This table stores all options associated with batch or source system.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: EGI

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
OPTION_SET_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Attribute indciating the bath option identifier
DELETE_PROCESSED_ROWS VARCHAR2 6 Indicates type of interface rows to be purged after import
PROCESS_IN_SEQUENCE VARCHAR2 1 Attribute indicating whether the import can be processed in parallel or in sequence
PROCESS_ITEMS_PER_BUNDLE VARCHAR2 1 The basis on which items are processed and validated.
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 A organizing unit in the internal or external structure of your enterprise. Organization structures provide the framework for performing legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting.
ASSIGN_PACKS VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if internal item batch should include pack assignment.
ASSIGN_ITEM_STRUCTURES VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if internal item batch should include item structure assignment.
SOURCE_SYSTEM_ID NUMBER 18 An external system from which item and its information is being imported into product hub.
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 A unique identifier of a item batch.
MATCH_ON_DATA_LOAD VARCHAR2 1 Flag to automatically match source system items with the master items upon load using the default match rule. This is a check box.
CONFIRM_SINGLE_MATCH VARCHAR2 1 Automatically confirm single item matches for the external item during the data load. This is a check box.
RUN_DQ_ON_EXISTING_ITEMS VARCHAR2 1 Used for check box value; Item batch option to allow data quality check on existing items in product hub.
CONFIRM_UNMATCHED_NEW VARCHAR2 1 Automatically confirm single item matches to new item. This is a check box.
IMPORT_ON_DATA_LOAD VARCHAR2 1 Option for the user to schedule the import of the items.
REVISION_IMPORT_POLICY VARCHAR2 30 Attribute indicating the revision import policy associated with the import batch.
IMPORT_XREF_ONLY VARCHAR2 1 Flag to import only the cross-reference between source system item and master item. This is a check box.
STRUCTURE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 A classification which characterizes item structures throughout the lifecycle of an item. For example, you can have structure types for Engineering, Manufacturing, and Service.
STRUCTURE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Unique name given to a specific variation of a Structure type.
STRUCTURE_OPTION VARCHAR2 1 Attribute indicating the option associated with the structure in the import
STRUCTURE_EFFECTIVITY_TYPE NUMBER 9 Identify if the BOM effectivity is controlled by date or model/unit number during the import.
EFFECTIVITY_DATE DATE Date on which the item revision is scheduled to be effective
FROM_END_ITEM_UNIT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Attribute indicating the component range in the structure in the import
STRUCTURE_CONTENT VARCHAR2 30 Update all the components or only changed components during the import of BOM structure data
CHANGE_ORDER_OPTION VARCHAR2 1 Option for the user to associate change order per item, item class or item batch.
CHANGE_ORDER_CREATION VARCHAR2 1 Option for the user to create new or add to existing change order for the items being imported.
CHANGE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Category of change order associated while importing items.
CHANGE_NOTICE VARCHAR2 50 A unique identifier of a change order.
CHANGE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 A short description of a change order usually describing the type of change.
ADD_ALL_TO_CHANGE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that all items can be added that are to be imported into the change order. This is a check box.
NIR_OPTION VARCHAR2 1 Option for the user to associate new item request per item, item class or item batch.
NIR_CREATION VARCHAR2 1 Option for the user to create new or add to existing new item request for the items being imported.
NIR_CHANGE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Attribute indicating the new Item request type identifier
NIR_CHANGE_NOTICE VARCHAR2 50 A unique identifier of a new item request.
NIR_CHANGE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 A short description of a new item request usually describing the type of new item.
ADD_ALL_TO_NIR_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that all items can be added that are to be imported into the new item request. This is a check box.
ENABLED_FOR_DATA_POOL VARCHAR2 1 Attribute indicating whether the spoke system is enabled for data pool usage.
VERSION_IMPORT_POLICY VARCHAR2 30 Option for the user to merge or bypass existing draft version for the items imported.
VERSION_START_DATE DATE Date when new version is set to be effective
PACK_CONTENT VARCHAR2 30 Update all the components or only changed components during the import of BOM structure data
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CO_EFFECTIVE_DATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Change order effectivity of the existing change order while importing items.
NIR_EFFECTIVE_DATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Attribute indicating the NIR option in the import
SPOKE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Yes This will store the lookup code value for lookup type "EGI_SPOKE_CATEGORY".
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER 18 This will store the supplier association id for the supplier spoke category.
BATCH_ASSIGNEE_ID NUMBER 18 The person or entity that responsibility or ownership transfers to
AUTO_SPLIT_CHANGE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that all change in will be split to multiple change orders with each change having changle lines maximum to the profile option value.
AUTO_SPLIT_NIR_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that all NIR will be split to NIRs with each NIR having changle lines maximum to the profile option value.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
EGI_IMPORT_OPTION_SETS egi_import_batches_b BATCH_ID
egi_import_structure_options egi_import_option_sets OPTION_SET_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns