This is a global temp table that is used to capture transaction suggestions created by the rules engine.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: INV

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
PP_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID NUMBER Yes Unique id of temporary transaction record.
TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID NUMBER Yes Unique ID used to identify a transaction record.
TYPE_CODE NUMBER Yes Code used to identify the type of transaction
LINE_TYPE_CODE NUMBER Yes Code to identify whether line is for pick or put away.
TRANSACTION_QUANTITY NUMBER Yes Transaction Quantity in the transaction unit of measure of the item being transacted.
PRIMARY_QUANTITY NUMBER Yes Transaction Quantity in the primary unit of measure of the item being transacted.
REVISION VARCHAR2 18 Revision of item being transacted.
LOT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 Lot Number of inventory begin selected.
LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE DATE Expiration date of Lot being selected.
SERIAL_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 Serial Number being selected.
FROM_SUBINVENTORY_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Subinventory Code where inventory is being selected from.
FROM_LOCATOR_ID NUMBER Unique id of locator from where inventory is being selected.
RULE_ID NUMBER Unique id of rule.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID NUMBER Unique id of source demand.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_LINE_ID NUMBER Unique id of source demand line.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Name associated with source demand.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_DELIVERY NUMBER Delivery associated with source demand.
FREIGHT_CARRIER_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code representing freight carrier.
CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER Unique id of customer.
RESERVATION_ID NUMBER Unique id of reservation used by rule to select the inventory.
TO_SUBINVENTORY_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Subinventory Code where inventory is being sent to.
TO_LOCATOR_ID NUMBER Unique id of locator to where inventory is being sent.
FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Unique id of originating organization.
TO_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Unique id of destination organization.
FROM_COST_GROUP_ID NUMBER Unique id of orginating cost group.
TO_COST_GROUP_ID NUMBER Unique id of destination cost group.
LPN_ID NUMBER Unique id of LPN on selected record
SECONDARY_QUANTITY NUMBER Secondary Transaction Quantity in the secondary unit of measure of the item selected.
GRADE_CODE VARCHAR2 150 Code representing grade of selected inventory.
PROJECT_ID NUMBER Unique ID of project on selected record.
TASK_ID NUMBER Unique ID of task on selected record.
INV_STRIPING_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 40 Segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for Inventory striping attributes.
COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN_CODE VARCHAR2 2 Code for the country of manufacture used to stripe Inventory transactions.
INV_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for future Inventory striping related functionality.
INV_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for future Inventory striping related functionality.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.
INV_USER_DEF_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for user-definable Inventory striping information.


Index Uniqueness Columns