Entity that holds all the physical attributes of the operational assets that are staged to be exported to the IoT machine learning data lake.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MNT

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DATA_ROW_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The primary key column. Auto generated.
RUN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Data gathered for a specific run will have this foreign key reference to the MNT_LEARNING_RUNS table.
ASSET_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier and Primary Key for the asset. System Generated using the Fusion Global Unique ID generator
ASSET_OVN NUMBER 9 Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ASSET_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 An user identifier for the asset object. This is the user primary key for the asset. If user does not enter a value then it is system generated using the Asset Document Number Sequence.
ASSET_TAG VARCHAR2 240 Asset Tag. This is an additional way of identifying the asset.
ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Product/Item reference as defined in the Fusion Item Master.
ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 User identifier of the item/product.
ITEM_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 The organization id where this product instance is instantiated. This is usually the context organization when done from the workarea landing page. However transactional instantians will inherit the organization context of the transaction.
ITEM_ORGANIZATION_CODE VARCHAR2 18 The organization code of the operating organization that is associated to the asset.
ITEM_REVISION VARCHAR2 18 The current revision of the product. As captured from the latest transaction.
SERIAL_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 The Serial Number of the product. Which uniquely identifies the product instance that is either manufactured as an end assembly product or as components bought from the supplier.
LOT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 The unique lot number at the product instance level that tracks the batch of assemblies that are manufactured or procured from supplier.
QUANTITY NUMBER Product Instance Quantity. It is always 1 for the serialized product instance. For the lot, it is the lot quantity at the tracked location.
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The primary unit of measure that tracks the product instance quantity.
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The status of the Asset. Product instance when tracked in the Inventory or WIP location may not have a status to be tracked.
ACTIVE_END_DATE TIMESTAMP The date when the asset is terminated.
IOT_ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This flag indicates whether the asset is enabled to be synced to the IOT application. IOT enabled assets will be automatically synced to the IOT application when the SCM cloud env is wired to the native Oracle Asset Monitoring IOT app.
CURRENT_LOCATION_CONTEXT VARCHAR2 80 The current location context. This identifies the asset being located in the work center, inventory, wip job or in a customer location.
CURRENT_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Current Location Identifier. The address location identifier.
LOCATION_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 The organization id where the asset is located now. This works in conjunction with the other location columns like the work_center_id and the subinventory and locator.
SUBINVENTORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Subinventory Identifier. The inventory warehouse location.
INVENTORY_LOCATOR_ID NUMBER 18 The inventory item locator identifier.
WORK_ORDER_ID NUMBER 18 Work Order Reference when the component is issues to the work order.
WORK_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 Represents the user-facing identifier of the work order.
WORK_ORDER_OPERATION_ID NUMBER 18 Work Order Operation Identifier.
WO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUMBER NUMBER Indicates the execution sequence of the operation.
WO_OPERATION_NAME VARCHAR2 120 Indicates the name of the work definition operation.
WORK_CENTER_ID NUMBER 18 Work Center Identifier. The foreign key to the work center entity.
WORK_CENTER_CODE VARCHAR2 30 A code that represents the user key to the work center.
WORK_CENTER_NAME VARCHAR2 120 This field represents the name of the work center.
EXTERNAL_LOCATION VARCHAR2 240 An external location which is defined in the third party system and is not a defined location either in TCA or HR fusion system is captured in this column. A free format non translatable value is captured.
SALES_ORDER_SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 The type of the source sales order system.
SALES_ORDER_SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 The source sales order system from which the order is captured.
SALES_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 The user key to the sales order business object
SALES_ORDER_ID NUMBER 18 Sales Order Identifier. Foreign key to the FOM Sales Order Entity.
SALES_ORDER_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 The user key to the sales order lines entity.
SALES_ORDER_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Sales Order Line Identifier. Foreign key to the FOM Sales Order Lines entity.
INSTALLED_LOCATION_CONTEXT VARCHAR2 80 The installed location context. The type of location where the asset is installed.
INSTALLED_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Installed Location Identifier. Foreign key to either the hr location or hz location.
SHIPMENT_DATE DATE Date when the asset is shipped to the customer.
INSTALLED_DATE DATE Installation Date. Date when the equipment/asset is installed.
IN_SERVICE_DATE DATE Date when the asset is placed in service.
PURCHASE_DATE DATE Procurement Date. Date when the asset is procured from the Supplier.
ORIGINATION_DATE TIMESTAMP The original creation date of the Lot Number or Serial Number.
SOLD_BY_BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Sold By Business Unit Identifier
REGISTERED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if the customer asset is registered or not.
REGISTRATION_DATE DATE Date when the asset is registered as a customer asset.
CUSTOMER_ASSET_START_DATE TIMESTAMP The date when the customer asset was instantiated. Either during the creation of the asset when the item was set to track customer assets only or updated to the customer asset when the item is enabled for lifecycle tracking.
CUSTOMER_ASSET_END_DATE TIMESTAMP The date when the asset is no longer a customer asset. Either during the return of the asset back to the enterprise for good or when manually terminated from being a customer asset.
CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Customer Identifier. This is the sold to party id for which the asset is sold to. Sales order issue inventory transaction populates this value by reading this from the shipping details table.
CUSTOMER_SITE_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 The ship to party identifier captured at ths shiment transaction.
CUSTOMER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Customer Site Identifier. This is the ship to party site id of the customer that bought the customer asset.
CUSTOMER_BILLING_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 The billing party that bought the asset.
CUSTOMER_BILLING_PARTY_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 The billing party site identifier. This is used in the derivation of the bill to location and there by the address of the billing party.
CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID NUMBER 18 The billing customer account identifier.
CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 The customer account site identifier.
CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 The identifier of the bill to account site use.
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER 18 Supplier Identifier. The supplier from whom the asset was purchased.
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Supplier Site Identifier. The primary key of the supplier site.
NEW_WO_ALLOWED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This flag denotes whether the asset is maintainable or not. When the asset is not maintainable (New WO Allowed Flag = 'N'), a new work order cannot be created for the asset.
DFLT_WO_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 The work order type captured at the asset for the purpose of defaulting in the work order when created.
DFLT_WO_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 The work order sub type captured at the asset for the purpose of defaulting in the work order when created.
MAINTAINABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating whether the asset is used to drive maintenance management functions.
LOGICAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if this asset is for the purpose of logically grouping the tangible or software assets underneath the option class or model to project a sales view of the asset tree. More specifically to present the "As Sold" view.
ASSET_CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the date and time of the creation of the Asset.
ASSET_LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Indicates the date and time of the last update of the Asset.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns