This is an interface table for staging definition of workday calendars from Legacy Instances. The 'Pre-Processor' would then validate the data in this table and insert into MSC_CALENDARS. You can follow any of the four following type of quarters for your yearly calendar identified by Quarterly Calendar Type = 1. 4-4-5 : quarterly pattern having two 4 weeks followed by a 5 week period 2. 5-4-4 : one 5 week followed by two 4 week periods 3. 13 periods : for calendar year 4. regular months of calendar year =


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
CALENDAR_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the calendar for the selected period.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 250 Description of the associated calendar
DAYS_ON NUMBER Number of consecutive working Days
DAYS_OFF NUMBER Number of consecutive non-working days
CALENDAR_START_DATE DATE Beginning date for the calendar
CALENDAR_END_DATE DATE Ending date for the given calendar
QUARTERLY_CALENDAR_TYPE NUMBER Quarterly calendar type code. Possible Values:1. 4-4-5 : quarterly pattern having two 4 weeks followed by a 5 week period2. 5-4-4 : one 5 week followed by two 4 week periods3. 13 periods : for calendar year4. regular months of calendar year
PATTERN_STRING VARCHAR2 200 Pattern string indicating repetition of the days in a calendar.
SR_INSTANCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The value indicates the source system code from where the data is collected.
SR_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER Identifier of the source system from where the data is collected.
DELETED_FLAG NUMBER Flag indicating whether this is a deleted record
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
REFRESH_NUMBER NUMBER Refresh identifier populated by the collection program.
MESSAGE_ID NUMBER This is a foreign key reference to ECX_DOCLOGS.INTERNAL_CONTROL_NUMBER for records got via XML
PROCESS_FLAG NUMBER Processing Flag indicating the status of records during pre-processing. 1- Complete Record, 2- Error Record, 3- Warning Record, 4- Retry Record, 5- New Record.
DATA_SOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR2 15 Source Type indicating the source of data
ST_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER Transaction ID generated during pre-processing to uniquely identify a record in the staging table
ERROR_TEXT VARCHAR2 2000 The process flag could be 2 or 3 for error_text to be populated.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 150 Error code for functional validation errors in the record
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER Retry count. Used during planning collection when the record fails to get loaded into ODS.
OVERWRITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This is used by the pre-processor during the batch load to determine whether an existing calendar needs to be rebuilt. Possible values for this field are 'Y' and 'N'. If this flag is 'Y' and the calendar does not exist in the planning system, then this calendar record would not be accepted by the pre-processor. Also, if this flag is 'N' or empty and the calendar does exist in the planning system (ODS) then this record would be rejected by the pre-processor.
WEEK_START_DAY NUMBER Start day of the week, possible values are 1- Monday, 2- First day of the calendar
COMPANY_NAME VARCHAR2 255 Party name with which the company is registered
COMPANY_ID NUMBER Unique id assigned to the company
OPERATION_TYPE VARCHAR2 2 The column indicates the operation type.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER It Stores the Request ID of Job that loaded the data.