The staging table used by the collection program to validate and process data for table MSC_DEPARTMENT_RESOURCES.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER This column indicates the unique identifier of a given Organization.
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 currrency code for the resource cost
RES_AVL_START_DATE DATE Start date of the resource availability for the department resource.
RES_AVL_END_DATE DATE End date of the resource availability for the department resource.
RESOURCE_ID NUMBER Source application resource identifier
RESOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 40 The value indicates resource code collected from source system.
DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Source application department identifier or line identifier
DEPARTMENT_CODE VARCHAR2 120 Department code, also holds line code
DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Name of the Work Center/Department
RESOURCE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 This value indicates the Name of the Resource.
WORK_AREA_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Work area name for the work centre or a resource department.
WORK_AREA_CODE VARCHAR2 120 Work area code for the work centre or a resource department.
WORK_AREA_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Work area code for the work centre or a resource department.
WORK_AREA_ID NUMBER 18 Work Area identifier on the source side
DEPARTMENT_CLASS VARCHAR2 10 Department class to which the resource is attached.
LINE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate whether or not this resource is a line
OWNING_DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Owning department identifier to which the operation resource is attached.
CAPACITY_UNITS NUMBER Number of units available during the time interval
RUN_RATE NUMBER Resource run rate of the department resource.
MAX_RATE NUMBER Hourly minimum rate of production line
MIN_RATE NUMBER Hourly maximum rate of production line
AGGREGATED_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER Reference to aggregate resource, if aggregated
AGGREGATED_RESOURCE_FLAG NUMBER Yes/No flag to indicate whether this is an aggregated resource
RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2 30 This value indicates the Resource group name.
RESOURCE_GROUP_CODE VARCHAR2 10 This value indicates the Resource group code.
RESOURCE_BALANCE_FLAG NUMBER Flag to indicate if the resource needs to load balanced
BOTTLENECK_FLAG NUMBER Flag to indicate if the resource is a known bottleneck
START_TIME NUMBER Start time of the process. This is used in calculating the total time consumed by the process.
STOP_TIME NUMBER Stop time of the process. This is used in calculating the total time consumed by the process.
DEPARTMENT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Describes of the line or department
RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 This value indicates the description of the resource.
OVER_UTILIZED_PERCENT NUMBER Overutilization tolerance of the department resource.
UNDER_UTILIZED_PERCENT NUMBER Underutilization Tolerance of the resource.
RESOURCE_SHORTAGE_TYPE NUMBER This value indicates the Resource shortage type.
RESOURCE_EXCESS_TYPE NUMBER This value indicates the Resource excess type.
USER_TIME_FENCE NUMBER This value indicates the User time fence of the resource.
UTILIZATION NUMBER Resource utilization collected from the source system.
EFFICIENCY NUMBER This value indicates the resource efficiency.
RESOURCE_INCLUDE_FLAG NUMBER This value indicates the Resource include flag.
CRITICAL_RESOURCE_FLAG NUMBER Flag to enforce capacity constraints only for critical bottleneck resources. Valid values are 1(Yes) and 2(No)
RESOURCE_TYPE NUMBER This value indicates the Resource type.
DISABLE_DATE DATE Date indicating End of effectivity
LINE_DISABLE_DATE DATE Line disable date specified for the department resource.
AVAILABLE_24_HOURS_FLAG NUMBER Resource is available 24 hours or by shifts
CTP_FLAG NUMBER Flag indicating whether the department resource is used for ATP or not
DELETED_FLAG NUMBER Yes/No flag indicating whether the row will be deleted
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
SR_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER Source application instance identifier
REFRESH_NUMBER NUMBER Refresh identifier populated by the collection program
DEPT_OVERHEAD_COST NUMBER Department overhead cost of the resource.
RESOURCE_COST NUMBER The value indicates resource code collected from source system.
RESOURCE_OVER_UTIL_COST NUMBER This value indicates the Resource overutilization cost.
PLANNING_EXCEPTION_SET VARCHAR2 10 Planning Exception Set defined for the department resource.
BATCHABLE_FLAG NUMBER Flag indicates whether the resource can be added to a batch. 1-Yes, 2-No.
BATCHING_WINDOW NUMBER The number of days a given resource batch spans across.
MIN_CAPACITY NUMBER This value indicates the minimum capacity for a specific resource.
MAX_CAPACITY NUMBER This value indicates the maximum capacity for a specific resource.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of Measure of the department resource record.
UOM_CLASS_TYPE VARCHAR2 10 Unit of measure class type of the resource.
COMPANY_ID NUMBER Unique id assigned to the company
COMPANY_NAME VARCHAR2 255 Party name with which the company is registered.
OWNING_DEPARTMENT_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Owning department code to which the operation resource is attached.
ORGANIZATION_CODE VARCHAR2 18 Short alphanumeric code to identify the Organization.
SR_INSTANCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Source Instance code from which data is being populated.
MESSAGE_ID NUMBER This is a foreign key reference to ECX_DOCLOGS.INTERNAL_CONTROL_NUMBER for records got via XML
PROCESS_FLAG NUMBER Processing Flag indicating the status of records during pre-processing. 1- Compete Record, 2- Error Record, 3- Warning Record, 4- Retry Record, 5- New Record
ERROR_TEXT VARCHAR2 2000 This will describe the reason for the error if any.
ST_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER Transaction ID generated during pre-processing to uniquely identify a record in the staging table
BATCH_ID NUMBER Batch identifier generated during pre-processing
DATA_SOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR2 15 Source Type indicating the source of the records
ATP_RULE_ID NUMBER Identifier of the available to promise rule used.
SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER This is the Organization ID for the Organization in the legacy(source) system.This is needed to relate the data in planning server to the legacy system and is for reference purpose only.
SOURCE_DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER This is the Department ID for the Department in the legacy (source) system. This is needed to relate the data in planning server to the legacy system and is for reference purpose only.
SOURCE_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER This is the Resource ID for the Resource in the legacy (source) system. This is needed to relate the data in planning server to the legacy system and is for reference purpose only.
SOURCE_OWNING_DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER This is the Department ID for the Owning Department in the legacy (source) system. This is needed to relate the data in planning server to the legacy system and is for reference purpose only.
CAPACITY_TOLERANCE NUMBER The value indicates change in resource capacity tolerance in percentage(OPM).
CHARGEABLE_FLAG NUMBER cr_rsrc_dtl. CAPACITY_CONSTRAINT. If checked then resource is chargeable ( opm)
IDLE_TIME_TOLERANCE NUMBER For sds resource, idle time ( in hours) resource can stay idle
BATCHING_PENALTY NUMBER Batching Penalty = 0, if the activity is added on to a currently scheduled batch Batching Penalty = pb, if the activity is scheduled as a new batch
LAST_KNOWN_SETUP NUMBER Last know setup associated with this resource
SCHEDULE_TO_INSTANCE NUMBER Resource to be scheduled for instances.1 Yes 2 =no
SDS_SCHEDULING_WINDOW NUMBER Scheduling window for sds resource
SETUP_TIME_PERCENT NUMBER Threshold percentage for Resource performing excessive setup
UTILIZATION_CHANGE_PERCENT NUMBER Threshold percentage for Resource utilization change exceeds threshold
SETUP_TIME_TYPE NUMBER Exception horizon for Resource performing excessive setup exception
UTILIZATION_CHANGE_TYPE NUMBER Exception horizon for Resource utilization change exceeds Threshold
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER Number of retries to process failed records.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 150 Error code for functional validation errors in the record
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER It Stores the Request ID of Job that loaded the data.