This is staging table for work defintion operations


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
WORK_DEFINITION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the user defined work definition code.
ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Source system Assembly Item Identifier
SR_WD_OPERATION_ID NUMBER 18 Source side value of the work definition operation identifier.
COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ID_PATH VARCHAR2 4000 Contains the lineage key of this component in the ATO Model Item Structure. This attribute refers to EGP_EXPLOSIONS_V.COMP_SEQ_PATH. It is used to uniquely identify this component in the exploded ATO Model item structure.
SR_WORK_DEFINITION_ID NUMBER 18 Source side value of the work definition identifier.
OPERATION_OFFSET_PERCENT NUMBER This value indicates Operation offset percent.
OPTIONAL NUMBER Yes/No flag if optional use planning factor to determine demand
PLANNING_FACTOR NUMBER Planning factor for this component (percent)
CHECK_ATP NUMBER Flag indicating if ATP check is required
ROUNDING_DIRECTION NUMBER Rounding direction for work definition or a bom/IS component.
COMPONENT_TYPE NUMBER Component (1), Ingredient component (-1), by-product (2)
REVISION VARCHAR2 3 Inventory item revision code for the BOM component.
MATERIAL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Values: - PRIMARY_PRODUCT (post R11) - INPUT_MATERIAL - INDIRECT_MATERIAL - BY_PRODUCT (post R11) - CO_PRODUCT (post R11) This will need to be revisited to align with the way PIM is going to implement these different material types in Item Structure
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Source system Organization Identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Source system Inventory Item Identifier
SR_COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ID NUMBER 18 Source system Bom Component Identifier
ITEM_STRUCT_COMPONENT_REF_FLAG NUMBER 1 Flag to indicate if the component is part of BOM or Ad-Hoc component 1 - Yes, 2- No
MATERIAL_SEQ_NUMBER NUMBER Indicates the sequence of this material line within this operation.
MATERIAL_QUANTITY NUMBER This is the quantity required to produce one unit of finished goods.
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure code of the work definition operation material.
YIELD_FACTOR NUMBER Maximum number of resource units consumed by this operation resource
SUPPLY_TYPE NUMBER Indicates the supply type code. Values are contained within the EGP_WIP_SUP_TYPE lookup: - 1 Push - 2 Assembly pull - 3 Operation pull - 4 Bulk - 5 Supplier - 6 Phantom
BASIS_TYPE NUMBER Indicates whether the item quantity is fixed (e.g., quantity per lot produced) or variable (e.g., quantity per item produced).
ORGANIZATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Short alphanumeric code to identify the Organization.
ASSEMBLY_NAME VARCHAR2 300 Name assigned to the assembly item
OPERATION_SEQ_NUMBER NUMBER Indicates the sequence of this operation within the work definition.
EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE DATE Indicate the date from which this component is effective
OP_EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE DATE Indicate the date from which this operation is effective
EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE DATE Indicate the date from which this operation is no longer effective
COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2 300 Name of the component of the assembly as defined in item structure or work definition.
SR_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Source application instance identifier
SR_INSTANCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Source Instance code from which data is being populated.
ERROR_TEXT VARCHAR2 2000 This will describe the reason for the error if any.
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER Number of retries to process failed records.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 150 Error code for functional validation errors in the record
SR_WD_OPERATION_MATERIAL_ID NUMBER 18 Source side value of the work definition operation material identifier.
DELETED_FLAG NUMBER 1 Yes/No flag indicates whether corresponding record in ODS will be deleted. 1 ??? Yes, 2 - No
PROCESS_FLAG NUMBER Processing Flag indicating the status of records during pre-processing. 1- Compete Record, 2- Error Record, 3- Warning Record, 4- Retry Record, 5- New Record.
REFRESH_NUMBER NUMBER Collection cycle Id / Input Group Id based on process flag
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CONFIG_ITEM_FLAG NUMBER 1 Flag to Indicate that the item is a configured Item.
FIND_NUMBER NUMBER This is analogous to Operation sequence number in Product Information Management Cloud. When a same component is assigned to an assembly multiple times with same effectivity, Find Number value is used to uniquely identify each occurrence of the component.