This table stores hierarchy data in dimension extraction tables. Each hierarchy has a set of rows with flattened level members as columns.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MSC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DIMENSION_ID NUMBER 18 Dimension identifier. Reference to msc_dimensions_vl.
HIERARCHY_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Hierarchy identifier. Reference to msc_hierarchies_vl.
BASE_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Base level member identifier. MEMBER_ID of first (lowest) level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
BASE_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Base level member name. Translated from BASE_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L2_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 2 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of second level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L2_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 2 member name. Translated from L2_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L3_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 3 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of third level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L3_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 3 member name. Translated from L3_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L4_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 4 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of forth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L4_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 4 member name. Translated from L4_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L5_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 5 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of fifth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L5_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 5 member name. Translated from L5_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L6_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 6 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of sixth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L6_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 6 member name. Translated from L6_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L7_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 7 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of seventh level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L7_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 7 member name. Translated from L7_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L8_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 8 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of eighth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L8_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 8 member name. Translated from L8_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L9_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 9 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of ninth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L9_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 9 member name. Translated from L9_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
L10_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Level 10 member identifier. MEMBER_ID of tenth level of this hierarchy, reference to corresponding column in mcs_dimension_%_dyd.
L10_MBR_NAME VARCHAR2 500 Level 10 member name. Translated from L10_MBR_ID through data_source_view specified in msc_levels_vl.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
SR_BASE_MBR_ID NUMBER 18 Base level member identifier in the source system.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns