This table contains manufacturing plant prameters. Manufacturing Plants will be a subset of Inventory Organizations defined by a customer, the parameters model default settings used in each manufacturing facility. This table information is accessed with the Manage Production Plants task.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: RCS

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
MFG_CALENDAR NUMBER 18 Schedule / Calendar for Manufacturing usage. The field is mandatory and has no default. Manufacturing calendars must be of type 'Time'.
DEF_SUPPLY_SUBINV VARCHAR2 10 Default supply subinventory. Used when backflushing Operation Pull and Assembly Pull components that do not have defaults defined at either the bill of material component or at the inventory item level.
DEF_SUPPLY_LOCATOR NUMBER 18 Default supply locator is used (if required by the Supply Subinventory) when backflushing Operation Pull and Assembly Pull components that do not have defaults defined at either the bill of material component or at the inventory item level
DEF_COMPLTN_SUBINV VARCHAR2 10 Default completion subinventory. Used to store the product upon completion if there is no default defined at the work definition level.
DEF_COMPLTN_LOCATOR NUMBER 18 Default completion locator. Used (if required by the Default Completion Subinventory) to store the product upon completion, if there is no default defined at the work definition level.
STARTING_OPRN_SEQ NUMBER 18 Default sequence number for the first operation in a work definition.
OPRN_SEQ_INCREMENT NUMBER 18 Value by which sequence of the operation has to be incremented in the work definition.
PHNTM_OPRN_INHERIT VARCHAR2 18 Determines how phantom operations are inherited. Possible values are: Material Only, and Material and Resources.
WORK_ORDER_PREFIX VARCHAR2 30 Work Order prefix to use when autogenerating Work Order names while creating Work Orders either manually, interface or webservice in Fusion WIP or in the Planner Workbench. Optional field with no default value.
DEF_TRANS_MODE VARCHAR2 1 Default transaction mode for work execution. Possible values are: All and Entered.
DEF_TRANS_QTY VARCHAR2 1 Enables the transaction quantity to be defaulted as that of the required quantity during material / Resource transactions in a work order. Default quantity can be changed.
INC_COMP_YIELD_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to have the component yield factored into component quantities during material transactions. You can disable this parameter to avoid rounding decimal quantities. Default value is Disabled.
DEF_OVERCOMPLTN_TOL NUMBER Percentage of assemblies that you can over-complete on all jobs and schedules.
QTY_CHNG_BACKFLUSH VARCHAR2 1 Provides the ability to over or under issue pull components when lot or serial entry is required for assembly moves and completions. This functionality is also available for work order-less completions. All indicators are optional. Default value is Disabled.
DEF_WO_TRAVELER_TMPLT VARCHAR2 400 Layout template to be used for printing Work Order Traveler.
DEF_LABEL_TMPLT VARCHAR2 400 Layout template to be used for printing labels.
AUTO_ASSC_SER_NUM_WO VARCHAR2 1 Determines if serial numbers are automatically generated and associated with a job when a job is created through the WIP Mass Load interface. The job start quantity determines the number of serial numbers created. The values are Enabled and Disabled.
WO_DOC_SEQ_ID NUMBER 18 Work Order Document Sequence Identifier. This captures the references to "FNDDocument Sequence"
WO_DOC_SEQ_CAT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Work Order Document Sequence Category code. This capture the references to the "FND Document Sequence Category"
WO_STARTING_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Work Order Starting Number
PURCHASE_REQ_CREATE_TIME VARCHAR2 30 Purchase Requisition Creation Time. Timing of creation of the purchase requisition for outside processing.
DEF_MNT_SCHED_METHOD VARCHAR2 32 Default Maintenance Scheduling Method.
STARTSTOP_CAPTURE_LVL VARCHAR2 30 Start or Stop Capture Level for Serialization Operations parameter.
BACKFLUSH_LOT_SELECTION VARCHAR2 30 Configures how lots should be back flushed for orderless as well as operation transactions. Possible values are: Manual, Lot FIFO, and Lot FEFO.
MTL_REPORTING_LVL VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the level at which material reporting icons should appear in the dispatch list. It can be operation or item serial.
FORECAST_HORIZON NUMBER 8 Defines the maximum horizon in days that the Maintenance Forecast ESS program should calculate. Value must be positive integer, and defaults to 30.
GEN_WO_HORIZON NUMBER 8 Defines the maximum horizon in days that the Generate Work Order ESS program should calculate. Value must be positive integer, and defaults to 7.
PICK_SLIP_GROUPING_RULE NUMBER 18 Defines the selected pick slip grouping rule. The set of values is shared with the Inventory Organization parameter "Picking Rule" in the Item Sourcing Details tab. Value is null by default.
PRINT_PICK_SLIPS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate whether to print the pick slips.
INCLUDE_PULL_COMP_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate whether to pick components with supply types operation pull and assembly pull in the work order.
ISSUE_PUSH_COMP_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate whether to push components to be directly issues to the work order.
PRINT_LABEL_EXTERNALLY VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether to disable native printing functionality in Manufacturing and enable the use of third party label providers.
ALLOW_DIRECT_PURCH_WO VARCHAR2 1 Enables access to self service procurement from within a work definition. Default value is enabled for new maintenance organizations, and disabled for new manufacturing organizations.
ENABLE_PROCESS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains True or False. True: Process manufacturing is enabled and possible within the manufacturing plant, in addition to discrete manufacturing. False: Process manufacturing is not enabled, and only discrete manufacturing will be possible within the manufacturing plant.
DEF_WORK_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Specifies the default work method to use. Valid values are Discrete Manufacturing and Process Manufacturing.
ENABLE_IOT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant is integrated to Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service. If false, then the plant is not integrated. The default value is false.
MANUAL_ISSUE_ASSY_WO_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the assembly must be manually issued for rework. If false, then the automatic issuing behavior in the plant is retained. The default value is false
ALLOW_NEG_ISS_WO_SN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then removing a part from a procured finished good during rework does not require a serial number for the part. If false, then the prior behavior is retained, and removing a part from a procured finished good will require the user to specify the serial number of the part. The default value is false.
ALLOW_RESRVTNS_WO_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the work order allows reservations on specified materials. If false, then reservations are not permitted. The default value is false.
MAX_SCHED_DURATION NUMBER 3 Maximum allowed duration to use when scheduling a work order, as measured in months. The minimum value is 3 months and the maximum value is 48 months. The default value is 12 months.
DEFAULT_LOT_BHVR_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Determines how to default the lot number for the completed product. Valid values include No default (ORA_RCS_DLN_NO_DEF) or Work order number (ORA_RCS_DLN_WO_NUM).
RESTRICT_LOT_FOR_RETURNS VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then during returns the choices for the lot to use will be restricted to only those which have been transacted for the manufactured item. If false, then the lot choices will not be validated. The default value is false
DEF_UNDERCOMPLTN_TOL NUMBER Percentage of assemblies that you can under-complete on all jobs and schedules
AUDIT_ACTION_TYPE_ VARCHAR2 10 Action Type - have values like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.
AUDIT_CHANGE_BIT_MAP_ VARCHAR2 1000 Used to store a bit map of 1s and 0s for each column in the table.
AUDIT_IMPERSONATOR_ VARCHAR2 64 Original Impersonator User.
DEFAULT_INSPECTION_PLAN VARCHAR2 30 Default inspection plan type to be used in the maintenance plant.
DEFAULT_INCL_PLAN_BULK VARCHAR2 1 Default the Bulk supply type to be included in planning.
DEFAULT_INCL_PLAN_SUPPLIER VARCHAR2 1 Default the Supplier supply type to be included in planning.
ENABLE_ROBOTICS VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the plant uses robotic resources. If false, then the plant doesn't use robotic resources. The default value is false.
DEF_MRB_SUBINV VARCHAR2 10 Value of the subinventory to use as the default when returning defective or unserviceable components while performing maintenance.
DEF_MRB_LOCATOR NUMBER 18 Value of the locator to use as the default when returning defective or unserviceable components while performing maintenance.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns