Identifies an entry used for item collaboration.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: VCS

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
ENTRY_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary key indentifying a collaboration entry Active
ORCH_CORRELATION_CODE VARCHAR2 64 Correlation code to keep track orchestration process instance
ENTRY_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the type of collaboration. Active
SHIP_FROM_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies the participant where the goods will be shipped from Active
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Yes ID of the inventory item to be used in collaboration Active
INVENTORY_ITEM_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Org ID of the item to be used in collaboration process
SHIP_TO_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies the participant where the goods will be shipped to Active
COLLAB_SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes ID of a collaboration source that this collaboration entry belongs to Active
FORECAST_HORIZON_END_DATE DATE Identifies the date in the future we will be providing forecast data
TIME_LEVEL VARCHAR2 32 Identifies the granularity of the data being sent/displayed for the supplier. Could be day, week, month.
SLA_DAYS NUMBER 18 Identifies in days how long we should wait for a participant to respond
COMMIT_HORIZON_END_DATE DATE Identifies the date in the future we have to look for commits
COLLAB_ENTRY_VERSION NUMBER 9 Identifies the version of the collaboration entry based on number of times it's been included in collaboration
SLA_PAST_DUE_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 32 Captures the past due action for SLA. Valid values are null or AUTO_COMMIT.
AUTO_COMMIT_PERIOD_CODE VARCHAR2 32 The period of time for which commits will be provided. Valid values are COMMIT_HORIZON or DAYS.
AUTO_COMMIT_PERIOD_FACTOR NUMBER 9 If AUTO_COMMIT_PERIOD_CODE is not a predefined measurement, this field will capture the time range of schedule details to be committed.
COMMIT_QUANTITY_PREF_CODE VARCHAR2 32 How the commit quantity will be determined: Percentage of Forecast or Previous Forecast Commit
COMMIT_PERCENT_FACTOR NUMBER Whole number percentage of forecast qty value, populated if Previous Forecast Commit is the preference identified in COMMIT_QUANTITY_PREF.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Active
IS_CURRENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes A flag that identifies current collaboration entries
IS_MANAGED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes A flag that identifies if a collaboration entry is for a managed relationship.
DROP_SHIP_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes A column heading that identifies the collaboration entry as drop ship.
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 32 Yes Identifies the current state of the collaboration entry Active
PUBLISHED_BY NUMBER 18 Person Id of Supply Plan Publisher.
PUBLISHED_DATE TIMESTAMP The most recent date forecast information was published.
MAX_FORECAST_VERSION NUMBER 9 Identifies the number of mid-cycle forecast updates performed on this collaboration entry.
COMMIT_DATE TIMESTAMP The most recent date commit information was published.
COMMIT_DUE_DATE TIMESTAMP The latest commit due date for all the planning schedule details attached to the collaboration entry.
DETAIL_LAST_UPDATE_ENT TIMESTAMP Schedule Details enterprise last edit - last time any schedule details for an entry was updated by the enterprise user.
DETAIL_LAST_UPDATE_SUP TIMESTAMP Schedule Details supplier last edit - last time any schedule details for an entry was updated by the supplier user.
DETAIL_LAST_UPDATE_FRCST_ENT TIMESTAMP Schedule Details enterprise last edit - last time any forecast details for an entry was updated by the enterprise user.
DETAIL_LAST_UPDATE_FRCST_SUP TIMESTAMP Schedule Details supplier last edit - last time any forecast details for an entry was updated by the supplier user.
SUP_DRAFT_QTY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Schedule Details Supplier Active Draft Values - 'Y' if any schedule details is in supplier draft.
ENT_DRAFT_QTY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Schedule Details Enterprise Active Draft Values - 'Y' if any schedule details is in enterprise draft.
MAX_COMMIT_VERSION NUMBER 9 Identifies the number of mid-cycle commit updates performed on this collaboration entry.
PUBLISH_CYCLE_START_DATE DATE The calculated start date based on the plan scenario publish cycle.
PUBLISH_CYCLE_END_DATE DATE The calculated end date based on the plan scenario publish cycle.
FORECAST_HORIZON_FQTY NUMBER An aggregated value that shows the total of all forecast quantities for the collaboration entry within the Forecast Horizon.
COMMIT_HORIZON_FQTY NUMBER An aggregated value that shows the total of all forecast quantities for the collaboration entry within the Commit Horizon.
COMMIT_HORIZON_CQTY NUMBER An aggregated value that shows the total of all Commit quantities for the collaboration entry within the Commit Horizon.
COMMITTED_BY NUMBER 18 The party identifier for the user who performed the commit.
COMMITTED_BY_PARTY VARCHAR2 30 The type of user that performed the commitment.
LAST_PUBLISHED_PLAN_NAME VARCHAR2 30 The last supply plan used within the planning cycle to publish the collaboration order forecast.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Identifies if any of the data is externally referenced.
COLLAB_IDENTITY_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Provides collab entry identification across multiple publish cycles.
PRIMARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Identifies the supply chain collaboration primary unit of measure for supply planning collaboration. This collaboration unit of measure is determined by the collaboration relationship. All collaboration order forecast quantities are stored in this unit of measure.
PUBLISHED_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The published unit of measure for the collaboration entry. All measures are assumed to be in this unit of measure.
BASE_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Identifies the primary unit of measure managed on the item record. Base quantities are calculated by the system.
COLLAB_UOM_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 32 Yes The unit of measure definition source code that defines the collaboration unit of measure resolution strategy.
PUBLISHED_ON_HAND_QTY NUMBER The on-hand quantity published with the collaboration order forecast stored in the collaboration unit of measure (PRIMARY_UOM_CODE).
SUPPLIER_ON_HAND_QTY NUMBER Quantity of the supplier on-hand inventory for the item, stored in the collaboration unit of measure (PRIMARY_UOM_CODE).
SUPPLIER_ON_HAND_PUB_BY NUMBER 18 User who most recently published the supplier on-hand quantity.
SUPPLIER_ON_HAND_PUB_DATE TIMESTAMP Date when the supplier on-hand quantity was published.
CM_ON_HAND_QTY NUMBER Quantity of the contract manufacturing on-hand inventory for the item, stored in the collaboration unit of measure (PRIMARY_UOM_CODE).
CM_ON_HAND_PUB_BY NUMBER 18 User who most recently published the contract manufacturing on-hand quantity.
CM_ON_HAND_PUB_DATE TIMESTAMP Date when the contract manufacturing on-hand quantity was published.
SUPPLIER_ON_HAND_PUB_BY_PARTY VARCHAR2 30 The type of user who published the supplier on-hand quantity. The allowed values in this column are 'ORA_VCS_ENTERPRISE_VAL' and 'ORA_VCS_SUPPLIER_VAL'.
CM_ON_HAND_PUB_BY_PARTY VARCHAR2 30 The type of user who published the contract manufacturing on-hand quantity. The allowed values in this column are 'ORA_VCS_ENTERPRISE_VAL' and 'ORA_VCS_SUPPLIER_VAL'.
PUBLISH_BY_PARTY VARCHAR2 30 The type of user who last published forecast information. The allowed values in this column are 'ORA_VCS_ENTERPRISE_VAL' and 'ORA_VCS_SUPPLIER_VAL'.
MANUFACTURER_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Name of the manufacturer of the part number.
MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER VARCHAR2 100 Number that identifies the item at the manufacturer.
NOTE_TO_SUPPLIER VARCHAR2 1000 Note from the collaboration planner to the supplier.
NOTE_TO_PLANNER VARCHAR2 1000 Note from the supplier to the collaboration planner.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status