Supply Chain Planning Option Shipments History

File-based data import process to import option shipments history data into Supply Chain Planning tables. Option shipments history is the actual historical demand based on option shipments and expressed as a quantity. The option shipments history quantity data are uploaded to the measure Option Shipments History. The base model history data is loaded in the Shipment History upload template. The Configured to Order Level Member Value column contains the concatenated member names of the option and its parents in the bill of materials. The base model in the concatenated name must be included in the Shipment History upload template.


  • Object owner: Option Shipments History

  • UCM account: scm/planningDataLoader/import

File Links

File Link
XLSM template ScpOptionShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm
Control files

Job and Table Links

Name Link
Scheduled process

Load Planning Data from Flat Files
