Supply Chain Planning Planning Allocation Rules

File-based data import process to import planning allocation rule data into Supply Chain Planning tables for Global Order Promising and Backlog Management. In Global Order Promising not opted in to the High-Volume Global Order Promising feature, allocation functionality enables the preservation of supply to demand classes. Planning allocation rules are used to ensure that orders will be promised only up to the allocation defined for a specific demand class. In Backlog Management and in Global Order Promising opted in to the High-Volume Global Order Promising feature, the allocation functionality enables the preservation of supply to attributes defined in the allocation hierarchy.


  • Object owner: Planning Allocation Rules

  • UCM account: scm/planningDataLoader/import

File Links

File Link
XLSM template ScpPlanningAllocationRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Control files

Job and Table Links

Name Link
Scheduled process

Load Planning Data from Flat Files
