getServiceLastUpdateTime Operation

This operation returns the date and time of the last update to a service WSDL, service XSD, or business object XSDs. The format of the last update time is ISO 8601.

Schema updates occur, whether there is an actual change in the WSDL or XSD, when you:
  • Perform customizations at run time using Application Composer and flexfields

  • Redeploy an enterprise application as part of an upgrade to a major release or a patch bundle

This operation may be useful if you generate service factory or JAX-WS proxy clients and want to determine whether to regenerate the client because of a change in the service interface.

Operation Signature

The following is the signature of the getServiceLastUpdateTime operation, which doesn't accept any parameters.

<element name="getServiceLastUpdateTime">

The response payload contains the last update time. For the definition of dateTime-Timestamp type, see Sample BC4JService.xsd.

<element name="getServiceLastUpdateTimeResponse">
            <element name="result" type="ns0:dateTime-Timestamp"/>


This request payload determines when the Sales Lead service definition was last updated.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

The response payload returns February 19, 2015 at 12:35:35 AM PT as the time the Sales Lead service was last updated.

<ns0:getServiceLastUpdateTimeResponse xmlns="" 
    <result xmlns="
Related Topics
  • Standard Metadata Operations
  • getEntityList Operation
  • getDfltObjAttrHints Operation