CDL Expressions

You use an expression in your statement rule. It has two operands and an operator, or two functions and their arguments.

Here's an example of a simple mathematical expression. It has the 2 operand, the * (multiplication) operator, and the frame.border operand:

2 * frame.border

This example has the window.frame.width operand, the - (minus) operator, and the frame.border operand:

window.frame.width - 2 * frame.border

This example has a Window model. You need to calculate the size of the glass to put in a window frame. You need a gap of one 1/2 inch between the glass and frame, and the frame border is 1 inch wide:

ADD window.frame.width - 2 * frame.border + 2 * 0.5 TO glass.width;
ADD window.frame.height - 2 * frame.border + 2 * 0.5 TO glass.height;

This example uses a BOOLEAN value:

a > b
a AND b
(a + b) * c > 10
a.prop LIKE "%abc%"

This example uses an INTEGER or DECIMAL value:

a + b
((a + b) * c )^10