Remove Your Model From Production

You can remove the latest version of your model from production.

You can also do another release to pick up any changes that you need to make. Configurator puts the changes that you've made to participants in the workspace into production, and creates a new version that become the baseline for the next draft. You can use this baseline as a starting point, make your changes, and do another release.

You can't make any changes to the participants or attributes of the workspace after you release it, including the effective start date.

Let's say you release a model into production but then realize it has some errors that you need to correct. Here's how that works.

  1. You release model RBG-538 from workspace A into production. The model is at version 2.0. Version 2.0 doesn't have any errors that you need to fix.

  2. You update the model, then release it with an effective start date that happens on the first day of next month. This new model is version 3.0.

  3. The next day, but before the model's effective start date, you notice that you have an error in version 3.0.

  4. You use the Unrelease Model Participants scheduled process to remove RBG-538 from production. Here's what the scheduled process does.

    • Removes version 3.0 from production, and places version 2.0 into production.

    • Creates a new workspace, B.

    • Adds version 3.0 to workspace B, and sets the status for B to Draft.

    • version 3.0 in workspace B contains the supplemental structure that you added or modified, rules that you created or modified, and user interfaces that you created or modified.

    • Sets the effective start date of workspace B to one minute later than the effective start date of workspace A.

  5. You fix the error on version 3 of the RBG-538 model in workspace B.

  6. You test and verify your changes, then release version 3 of RBG-538 into production.


  • You can repeat the unrelease of a model, one version at a time, to get back to an earlier release version.

  • If you have any other drafts of the RBG-538 model, then Configurator updates them so they use the 2.0 version, not the 3.0 version as their baseline. This applies until release version 3.0 into production.

  • You can only remove a model from production. You can't remove parts of a model, such as only the supplemental structure.

    The version of the model that you remove from production must have an effective start date that happens in the future.

  • You can use the Configurator Models work area or REST API to remove the model from production.

Use the Configurator Models Work Area

Assume you need to remove the RBG-538 model from production.

  1. Open the workspace that has the RBG-538.

    The workplace status must be Released. If it isn't, then you can't use the Unrelease Models action.

  2. Select the RBG-538 model, then click Unrelease Models.

  3. Configurator starts the Unrelease Model Participants scheduled process.

  4. In the dialog that displays, enter a name and description for the new workspace where Configurator will save the model RBG-538.

    Note the process ID of the scheduled process. Assume its 67589.

  5. Go to the Scheduled Process work area, then examine the log of the Unrelease Model Participants process that has the 67589 ID. Monitor the process and examine the log file, as necessary.


  1. Get the name of the workspace.

    • Go to the Configurator Models work area.

    • On the Overview page, copy the value in the Name attribute of the workspace that contains the RBG-538 model to your clipboard.

      For this example, assume the workspace name is RBG-538-Fall-2020.

  2. Identify the released workspace that contains the RBG-538 model.

    • Use the configuratorWorkspaces REST resource and the ByNameOrDescriptionFinder finder to get the workspace ID. For example:

    https://yourServerName:yourPort/fscmRestApi/resources/;name=RBG-538 Fall-2020%


    • name contains the name of your workspace, such as name=RBG-538 Fall-2020.

    Assume you get this REST response.

        "items" : [ {
            "WorkspaceId": 300100176467904,
            "Name": "RBG-538 Fall-2020",
            "Description": "RBG-538 early rollout for Fall 2020",
            "EffectiveStartDate": "2020-12-01T00:02:00+00:00",
            "StatusCode": "DEVELOPMENT",
            "Status": "In development",
            "ReleaseProcessId": null,
            "PrereleaseReportProcessId": null,
            "CreationDate": "2019-04-20T00:51:58+00:00",
            "CreatedBy": "PRODUCT_CONFIGURATOR_MANAGER",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2020-10-02T00:52:07.211+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "PRODUCT_CONFIGURATOR_MANAGER"
        }, {
        } ],


    • WorkspaceId contains the value you seek, such as "WorkspaceId": 300100176467904.

  3. Identify the modelParticipants resource in the configuratorWorkspaces resource to identify your model. For example:



    • 300100176467904 is the ID that identifies the workspace in your first REST response.

    Here's the REST API response. It includes the participant IDs of the models that are in the workspace.

    "items": [
             "ParticipantId": 300100217170232,
             "Name": "Model Name ",

    This example has only one model.

  4. Run the Unrelease Model Participants scheduled process.

    • Use the unrelease action of the configuratorWorkspaces resource. You will POST the input payload that contains the parameters that you use to run the process. For example:

      curl -X POST \
        https://yourServerName:yourPort/fscmRestApi/resources/ \
        -H 'Authorization: Basic cHJvZF9jb25maWd1cmF0b3JfbWdyOldlbGNvbWUx' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
        -H 'REST-Framework-Version: 7' \
        -d '
        { "targetWorkspaceName": "RBG-538 rework",
          "targetWorkspaceDescription": "Correction of errors in RBG-538 fall 2020",
          "participants": [ 300100217170232 ]}'


    • targetWorkspaceName specifies the name of the new workspace that will contain the RBG-538 model that you remove from production.

    • targetWorkspaceDescription specifies the description that you want to use for the new workspace.

    • participants specifies the ID that identifies the RBG-538 model.

    Here's the response payload.

        "result": 145218

    It includes 145218, which is the process ID of the Unrelease Model Participants scheduled process.

  5. Go to the Scheduled Process work area, then examine the log of the Unrelease Model Participants process that has the 145218 ID. Monitor the process and examine the log file, as necessary.

    Here's an example log.

    The unrelease operation from the workspace RBG-538 Fall-2020 completed with warnings.
    The workspace RBG-538 rework was created, with participants added from the workspace RBG-538 Fall-2020.
    The model participant RBG-538-A-4011 was added from the workspace RBG-538 Fall-2020.
    The following workspace participants have warnings:
      Configurator Model Name: RBG-538-A-4011
        The model RBG-538-A-4011 has one or more drafts in other workspaces.

For more examples and details, see the Unrelease Changes to a Released Model use case in REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud.