Multichannel User Interfaces

Applicability parameters allow a model to use multiple UIs, each targeted to a different channel of use.

Applicability helps you present the UI that's most appropriate to the context.

  • You may need to configure the same model in multiple host applications, each having different UI requirements.

    • Host application A is used by self-service customers with elementary knowledge of your product line. You might need to present a simplified UI for Product X that guides the user through each step of the configuration, and hides some product details that might be confusing.

    • Host application B is used by sales fulfillment staff who are very familiar with your product line. You might need to present a full-featured UI for Product X that exposes every option, in a layout that enables users to reach those options most efficiently.

  • You may need to present the same product to the same type of audience, but in different countries. Consequently you need to present the UI in multiple languages.

To provide for such multiple requirements, you can set the applicability parameters for a UI.

Setting Applicability Parameters

On the Overview tab for the UI, you can select the applications and languages for which your user interface is applicable.

  1. Edit your configurator model and navigate to the Overview subtab of the User Interfaces tab.

  2. Under Applicability, select a parameter:

    • Applications sets the applications that the UI will be used for. For example, if you select Order Management, then the UI will be presented when Configurator is invoked by Oracle Order Management.

    • Languages sets the languages that the UI will be used for.For example, if you select Korean and American English, then the UI will be presented when Configurator is invoked by applications using one of those languages.

  3. The default setting for each parameter is All, meaning that the UI is available at run time to all channels.

  4. Select the Selected setting. The Select button becomes enabled.

    By default, the currently selected parameter is None. If you leave the setting as None, then the UI will not be available at run time to any of that parameter's options. If no UIs are available, then the default UI is used.

  5. Click the Select button. The selection dialog box for the parameter presents a list of available options, from which you select one or more to determine the applicability of the UI.

  6. If more than one UI has the same applicability parameter settings, then the sequence of UIs in the table on the User Interfaces tab determines which UI will be used at run time.

    To change the sequence in the table of UIs, select a UI then select one of the Move commands on the Actions menu.