Acknowledgment Codes That Require Flexfield Setup

You need to configure flexfields on the purchase order header and purchase order line if you want your users to be aware of acknowledgments from suppliers that contain these codes.

Some acknowledgment codes can't be processed by Oracle Fusion Purchasing, such as:

  • Backorder

  • Item Hold

  • Item Substitution

  • Part Number Correction

  • Partial Backorder

  • UOM change

The XSL file for this predefined message definition, ORACLE_1.0_B2B_PURCHASE_ORDER_ACKNOWLEDGMENT, maps flexfields with the following API names to convey information about specific acknowledgment codes. You can configure flexfields with the same API names or modify the XSL and replace them with your flexfield API names.

Flexfield API Name

When Used

Header Level DFF (60 characters)


This field displays the text One or more lines have acknowledgment comments, when an acknowledgment code is received that can't be updated by a change order. You can change the text by modifying the variable HeaderFlexfield in the XSL file.

Line Level DFF (50 characters)


When an acknowledgment code in the scheduleBackOrderChange, schedulePartialBackOrder or scheduleRescheduleChange code lists is received in the message, this field is set to BACKORDER, PARTIAL BACKORDER or RESCHEDULE respectively.

  • When the field is set to BACKORDER or RESCHEDULE, the b2bBackOrderDate displays the date if provided, else No Date is provided is displayed.

  • When the field is set to PARTIAL BACKORDER, the b2bPartialBackOrderQuantity, the b2bAcceptOrderQuantity, and the B2B Backorder Date fields are populated.


When an acknowledgment code value in the lineItemChange code list is received, this field is populated with the new item number.


When an acknowledgment code value in the lineHoldChange code list is received, this field is populated with the text Line Item on hold by Supplier. You can change the text by modifying the FlexLineHoldItemText variable in the XSL.


When an acknowledgment code value is in the lineChange code list and a SupplierItemNumber is received in the acknowledgment, the SupplierItemNumber is mapped to this flexfield.


When an acknowledgment has an acknowledgment code value in the lineChange code list and a UnitOfMeasure, this flexfield is populated with the new UOM.


When an acknowledgment code for a partial backorder is received, this field is populated with the OrderQuantity.


When an acknowledgment code for partial backorder is received this field is populated with the OrderQuantity.


When an acknowledgment code value in the scheduleBackOrderChange or schedulePartialBackOrder is received, this field is populated with the date if provided, else it's populated with the text No Date Provided.

When an acknowledgment code value in the scheduleRescheduleChange code lists is received in the acknowledgment, this field is populated with the text No Date Provided.