Application Response Outbound Message

When suppliers or customers receive messages, they can notify the senders of the messages about the message-processing status updates using the application response outbound message.

The application response outbound message includes information on whether the sender's message was processed successfully or not. If errors occurred, the response message provides the details.

The application response outbound message definition is ORACLE_1.O_B2B_APPLICATION_RESPONSE_OUT.

Note: You can use this message definition whether or not you have enabled any business process.

To use this message, set up the message definition as an outbound collaboration message for your service provider or trading partners.

Here's a sample payload:

<oa:ConfirmBOD xmlns:oa="" releaseID="10.1" versionID="" systemEnvironmentCode="Test" languageCode="en-US" xmlns="" xmlns:ns0="">

     <ApplicationArea xmlns="" xmlns:cmkws="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:cmk="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:wsu=""


          <LogicalID schemeID="Generic">CMKNewTP_TradPartLogicalID schemeID="Generic">CMKNewTP_TradPart>


          <LogicalID schemeID="Name">CMKNewTPLogicalID schemeID="Name">CMKNewTP?>

          <LogicalID schemeID="Name">CMKNewTPLogicalID schemeID="Name">CMKNewTP>
     <CreationDateTime>2020-11-20 12:11:11CreationDateTime>2020-11-20 12:11:11>
          <DataArea xmlns="" xmlns:cmkws="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:cmk="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:wsu="">
       <Note>More detaills on processing resultNote>More details on processing result,/Note>
       <ProcessingResultCode>Partner assigned code that is cross referenced to CMKcodeProcessingResultCode>Partner assigned code that is cross referenced to CMKcode</ProcessingResultCode>