Common Use Cases to Acknowledge a Purchase Order using the Confirmation Message

Here are the common use cases for acknowledging a PO:

Common Use Cases


Accept a Purchase Order

  • The confirmation type values specified in the payload for the confirmation header must be a value that's in the orderAccept list of values.
  • The value specified for each line must be in the lineAccept list.

Reject a Purchase Order

The confirmation type value specified in the confirmation header must be a value that's in the orderReject list.

Acknowledge a Purchase Order, Accept, or Reject Each Line with No Changes

  • In a partially accepted purchase order, some lines are accepted and some are rejected.
  • The confirmation type value provided at the header level in the payload must be a value that's in the orderAccept list.
  • Each accepted line must have a confirmation type that's in the lineAccept list.
  • Each rejected line must have a confirmation type that's in the lineReject list.

Acknowledge a Purchase Order with Changes

  • The confirmation type value provided at the header level in the payload must be a value in the orderChange or orderAccept lists.
  • There must at least be one line with a confirmation type value that's a change.
  • A confirmation may communicate multiple changes. For example, a price change and a quantity change.
  • The change confirmation type values in the payload must exist in the lineChange list.