Confirmation Types

Suppliers communicate acceptance, rejection, or changes using confirmation types.

There is a set of commonly used confirmation types but there may be differences in the types used by different suppliers to communicate a change.

The confirmation request XSL file contains a predefined list of commonly used confirmation types documented in this table. You can modify this list to add supplier specific types.

See the Export the Message Transformation Package section for information about how to download the XSL file for the message definition.

Confirmation Type List Name Confirmation Type Values
orderAccept ACCEPT, accept, 0
orderReject REJECT, reject, 2
orderChange CHANGE, allDetail, detail, except, 1
lineAccept ACCEPT, accept, 0
lineReject REJECT, reject, 2
lineChange CHANGE, allDetail, detail, except, 1
One confirmation type is required at the header level of the confirmation (ConfirmationHeader), and you can also specify confirmation types at the confirmation item level (ConfirmationStatus). This message supports the acknowledgment or confirmation of one order:
	<ConfirmationHeader type "detail" noticeDate="2023-03-16T17:47:31-08:00">
		<Comments xml:lang="en-US" Header comment</Comments>
		<Extrinsic name" SUPPLIERORDERNUMBER"</Extrinsic>
	<OrderReference orderID=1007083">
		<DocumentReference payloadID=""/>

<ConfirmationItem quantity"" lineNumber="">
	<ConfirmationStatus quantity "7" type="allDetail" shipmentDate="2023-03-20T07:00:00-07:00" deliveryDate="2023-03-20T07:00:00-07:00">
		<ItemIn quantity="">
					<Money currency="USD">139.44</Money>
				<Description xml:lang="en-US"></Description>
				<Classification domain="status"></Classification>
		<Comments>Line 1 comment</Comments>
		<Extrinsic name="LINENIUM">1</Extrinsic>
		<Extrinsic name="SHIPMENTNUM">1</Extrinsic>