Generate Certificate

On the Manage B2B Certificates page, you can generate a digital certificate, which includes a self-signed key pair (of public and private keys).

Take these steps:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click Manage B2B Certificates in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage B2B Certificates page, click Generate.

  3. On the Generate page, enter an alias, private key password, and common name for your X.509 certificate. These fields are required; the other fields are optional.




    A unique string to identify the key entry.

    Private Key Password

    A user-created phrase to verify identity when generating certificate signing requests, importing, or deleting private keys.

    Common Name

    An element of the distinguished name (DE) for the certificate. The common name that identifies the entity for which the certificate is created, when communicating with other web entities. The common name must match the name of the entity presenting the certificate. The maximum length is 64 characters.


    Optionally identifying value for the organization.

    Signature Algorithm

    An algorithm by which keys are generated. A secure hashing algorithm is a cryptographic hash function designed by the United States National Security Agency. Your choices are:

    • SHA256WITHRSA - SHA256 produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value, typically rendered as a 64-digit hexadecimal number. The hash value is then encrypted with a private key using the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm.

    • SHA384WITHRSA - SHA384 produces a 384-bit (48-byte) hash value, typically rendered as a 96-digit hexadecimal number. The hash value is then encrypted with a private key using the RSA algorithm.

    • SHA512WITHRSA - SHA512 produces a 512-bit (64-byte) hash value, typically rendered as a 128-digit hexadecimal number. The hash value is then encrypted with a private key using the RSA algorithm.

    Key Length

    Key length in bits (2048, 1024, or 768) used by the signature algorithm.


    A validity period, in days. You can enter a new value to override the default value of 365 days.

  4. Click Save and Close. A self-signed private key is added. You will see it on the Manage B2B Certificates page.