Header Information for Inbound Messages from Service Providers

Oracle B2B identifies a service provider using the From HTTP Header field. Ensure that the value you specify is the generic identifier of the B2B trading partner that represents the service provider that's set up in Collaboration Messaging Framework.

Any inbound message from a service provider may include the following additional header fields to identify the Collaboration Messaging Framework trading partner:

  • SENDER_ID: ID of the trading partner as set up in Collaboration Message Framework

  • SENDER_ID_TYPE: ID Type of the trading Partner as set up in Collaboration Message Framework

Collaboration Message Framework retrieves document-related information from the trading partner agreement.

If you don't specify the HTTP headers SENDER_ID and SENDER_ID_TYPE, you may include the Trading Partner ID and Trading Partner ID Type in the payload as indicated by the Trading Partner ID and Trading Partner ID Type XPath in the external message definition associated with the message definition for the specific message.

For more information see the Oracle Cloud User's Guide for Oracle B2B.