Configure Predefined Service Providers

At a high level, these are the steps that you need to follow to set up your B2B messaging using a predefined service provider:

  1. Define your Global Sender ID and set your default service provider using the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task in Setup and Maintenance.

    Refer to the Define Message Processing and Delivery Method Parameters section in this guide for details.

  2. Domain-Value Maps

    When you exchange messages with trading partners, your values for specific data elements in Oracle applications may differ from the values of your trading partners for the same data elements. For example, your trading partner may use "Massachusetts" whereas you use the abbreviated term MA for the name of the state. You can map such data elements using the Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map task from the Setup and Maintenance work area. Refer to the topic How You Set Up and Use Domain-Value Maps for details.

  3. Configure your predefined service provider as outlined below.
  4. Define your trading partners for the predefined service provider.

    Refer to the Set Up a Trading Partner With a Service Provider section in this guide.

  5. Associate your trading partners with your supplier sites or customers and select the documents you plan to exchange.

    Refer to the following sections in this guide for details:

    Associate Suppliers with Trading Partners

    Set Up Customers for Invoicing

    Associate a Trading Partner with a Customer

  6. User-Defined Message Transformations for Predefined Service Providers.

    You can create your own transformations for any predefined service provider's message.