Import B2B Account Numbers

You can create multiple B2B account numbers in one go by using the Import B2B Account Numbers action.

In order to import B2B account numbers, you need a CSV file (UTF-8 format) with the data listed in the order outlined below.
Note: All of the columns below need to be included in the import file. You can provide either a supplier number or supplier name or both to identify the supplier. A header row with column titles is optional in the import file, but if it provided, the titles need to be listed as follows:

Column Names


Account Number

B2B Account Number

Supplier Number

Supplier Number

Supplier Name

Supplier Name


This is the supplier site name.

Procurement BU

This is the name of the procurement business unit where the supplier site resides.

Ship-to Location

This is the ship-to location code.

Once you have your CSV file ready, follow these steps to import your B2B account numbers:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click B2B Account Numbers from the Tasks panel tab.

  2. On the B2B Account Numbers page, click the Import button, then select the file with your B2B account number information.

  3. Click Submit.

You can use the message that displays the scheduled process identifier, which you can use to review the status of the import scheduled process.