User-Defined Messages

Only message definitions that are specific to the Avalara service provider are displayed on these tabs.

If you want to create your own message definitions to replace any of the existing ones, you have to duplicate the particular message definition using the Manage Collaboration Message Definitions task and then replace it in the inbound or outbound collaboration messages tab.

Follow the below steps to do that:

  1. From the tasks panel, select the Manage Collaboration Message Definitions task. In the search area, select Avalara from the drop-down list of service providers and select the message definition to duplicate.
  2. On the Duplicate Collaboration Message dialog, enter a name and description and add the new XSL for your message.

    Note: You can also use a modified version of an existing message definition's XSL. Refer to the topic Export the Message Transformation Package.
  3. In the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area, select Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers from the Tasks panel.
  4. Search for and select Avalara.
  5. Click the Outbound Collaboration Messages or Inbound Collaboration Messages tab and select the collaboration message for which you want to provide your own message definition.
  6. Select the message you want to replace and set the status to Inactive.
  7. In the Collaboration Message Definition column, select your message from the drop-down list.
  8. Set the status to Active.
  9. Click Save.