Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

After you set up B2B messaging in Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework, you can validate the setup.

Let's see how you can do that for outbound collaboration messages.

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click the Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup task.

  2. On the Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup: Select Document page, select the relevant Collaboration Business Process and Document for the validation.

    Here is the explanation of the fields that appear on that page:



    Collaboration Business Process

    The business process for which you want to validate your setup. The options are:

    • Order To Cash

    • Procure To Pay

    • Supplier Collaboration


    The outbound document for the business process you select.

    Event Name

    Automatically populates the name of the business event that initiates messaging.

  3. Click Next to select the recipient of the outbound message.

  4. On the Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup: Select Recipient page, select a supplier or customer, depending on the document you selected.

    Information about the trading partner is displayed.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup: Define Payload page, click Create Message Payload.

    A sample XML file associated with the message definition for the selected document is displayed. The header section of this XML includes the trading partner and service provider information.

  7. Click Process.

    The outbound message is processed and validated.

    Note: If you set the status of the message to Loopback when you set up the outbound and inbound collaboration messages for the trading partner or service provider, the message is processed but not sent out to the partner.
  8. Click OK in the Information box to view the details on the Collaboration Message page, which displays these tabs:


    Information Displayed


    Information about the outbound message, service provider, trading partner, application partner, and message-processing result.


    Information about the configuration of the document you selected, its transformation, and message retention duration.

    Delivery Methods

    Information about the delivery methods you set up for the partner or service provider.

    Original Message

    The message is the payload before it was processed.

    Transformed Message

    The message is the payload after it was processed.

    Note: If there is an error in processing the message, the transformed message isn't shown.