Validation of Inbound Messages

The validation process for inbound messages received through synchronous web service operations ensures that the caller receives only relevant and correctable errors that can be fixed before the message is processed.

The process validates the following:
  • Authentication: The caller of the service is a valid user.

  • Authorization:

    The caller of the web service is assigned a job role with the privilege Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service (CMK_INVOKE_INBOUND_COLLAB_DOC_SERVICE_PRIV).

  • Sender Party: The SENDER_ID and SENDER_ID_TYPE in the payload have a valid trading partner ID and ID type.

  • External message definitions: The external message definition in the payload exists in Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework.

  • Invalid order numbers: Inbound messages that reference a PO such as PO acknowledgments, invoices, and shipments, have valid PO numbers.

Other B2B setup errors are logged and managed in the Collaboration Messaging work area. The asynchronous operation validates the credentials and errors are returned for invalid credentials.