Predefined Customer Program Templates

Predefined program templates represent supported channel flows.

You must select a program template when creating a program type. Templates supported are:

  • Customer Annual Co-op
  • Customer Annual Volume
  • Customer Promotion
  • Customer Volume
  • Customer Lump Sum

Promotion Code Numbering

The promotion code is made up of a prefix and a single sequence. Prefix is defined by the program type. The predefined prefixes are:

  • Customer Annual Co-op - COOP
  • Customer Annual Volume - CAV
  • Customer Promotion - CREB
  • Customer Volume - CVOL
  • Customer Lump Sum - CLUM

A single sequence generates numbers from a given starting number stored in the database. This single sequence is across all programs.

Note: If you prefer, you can configure your own prefix for a program type. A prefix can be shared across multiple program types if so determined.