How Supplier Rebate Works with Receiving and Payables

Here's how supplier rebate works with Oracle Fusion Receiving and Oracle Fusion Payables to support inbound receiving transactions from Oracle Fusion. Accruals can be accrued upon receipt of shipment or upon receiving the supplier invoice. Typically, accrual happens upon supplier invoicing.

This figure shows the flow of data from Receiving and Payables into Channel.

Load Transactions

The Load Transactions process imports the receiving transactions from Receiving into Channel Revenue Management. A new batch is created with each load. It:

  • Extracts receiving transactions and related PO details.

  • Stores them as lines of a batch (1 batch per Load Transactions scheduled process).

Create Accruals from Channel Batch

The Create Accruals for Channel Batch process converts the batch lines into accruals. A supply chain application administrator can create the channel accruals on demand or schedule it as a batch process on a periodic basis.

If the channel setting Event for Triggering Supplier Rebate Accrual = Receiving Transaction, then

  • if the batch line is eligible, then

    creates earned accruals

If the channel setting Event for Triggering Supplier Rebate Accrual = Supplier Invoice, then Channel receives the supplier invoices directly from Payables, or are imported using CSV files.

  • if the batch line is eligible but not invoiced, then

    creates open accruals

  • if eligible and invoiced, then

    creates earned accruals

For example, a receiving transaction for a quantity of 10 units can be invoiced for a quantity of 8 units. Here, open accruals will be recorded for a quantity of 2 units, and earned accruals will be recorded for 8 units.