Bulk Export and Import of Subinventories and Locators

You can mass export and import subinventories, locators for a subinventory, and add items to a subinventory from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Complete these steps:

  • Add Actions icon to Manage Subinventories and Locators task

  • Export CSV file

  • Review, download, and edit CSV file

  • Import CSV file

  • Review the Import to CSV process

  • Confirm item subinventory records

Add Actions Icon to Manage Subinventories and Locators Task

First, add the Actions icon to the Manage Subinventories and Locators task.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Inventory Management Functional area:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Inventory Management

  2. If the Actions icon doesn't already display as a column, you must enable it. From the View menu, select Columns > Actions. The Actions icon now displays as a column on the page.

Export CSV File

Next, export the CSV file.

  1. For the Manage Subinventories and Locators task, click the Actions icon.

  2. Select Export to CSV File.

  3. Select Create New. This opens the Export Setup Data to CSV File page.

  4. On the Export Setup Data to CSV File page, click the Submit button.

  5. Click OK in the Confirmation window to return to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Review, Download, and Edit CSV File

Now you can review, download, and edit the CSV file.

  1. To review the Export to CSV file, click the Actions icon for the Manage Subinventories and Locators task.

  2. Select Export to CSV File.

    Select Ready for download <date>. A warning may be reported, but you can still complete the item to subinventory assignment process. This takes you to the Export Setup Data to CSV File Results page.

  3. To download the CSV file:

    1. Click the Actions menu.

    2. Select Download.

    3. Select CSV File Package.

  4. Save the Zip file to a local directory.

  5. Extract the INV_ITEM_SUBINVENTORY.csv file from the Zip file to add item subinventory records.

  6. Edit the INV_ITEM_SUBINVENTORY.csv file by adding the new records.

  7. Add the edited INV_ITEM_SUBINVENTORY.csv file back to the Zip file.

Import CSV File

Import the CSV file.

  1. Navigate back to the Inventory Management functional area of the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. For the Manage Subinventories and Locators task, click the Actions icon.

  3. Select Import from CSV File.

  4. Select Create New.

  5. Click the Choose File button.

  6. Browse for your Zip file and click the Submit button.

  7. Click OK in the Confirmation window to return to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Review the Import to CSV Process

Review the Import to CSV process.

  1. To review the Import from CSV process, click the Actions icon for the Manage Subinventories and Locators task.

  2. Select Import to CSV file.

  3. Select Ready for data validation <date>. This takes you to the Import Setup Data from CSV File Results page.

  4. After viewing that you have a value of Completed Successfully in the Status field, click the Done button.

Confirm Item Subinventory Records

Finally, confirm the item subinventory records.

  1. To confirm that item subinventory records are now successfully created, click the Manage Subinventories and Locators task.

  2. On the Manage Subinventories and Locators page, select the Manage Item Subinventories button.

  3. On the Manage Item Subinventories page, view your newly created records.