Can min-max planning ever exceed your maximum quantity?

Yes. If you're using process manufacturing, min-max plans the primary items along with any associated co-products. This can result in possibly exceeding the maximum quantity for an item.

For example, let's say your company places two process manufacturing work orders which can produce multiple products. Work Order 1 contains product A with a requested quantity of 1000 and a maximum quantity of 5000. Work Order 1 also contains co-products B and C with requested quantities of 500 each. Work Order 2 contains product B with a requested quantity of 2000 and a maximum quantity of 2000. Work Order 2 also contains co-products C and D with requested quantities of 750 each.

In this scenario, the total requested quantity for product B is 2500 (500+2000=2500) and the maximum quantity is 2000. This can happen when running replenishment planning for products A and B in a single replenishment run. You can get around this by planning only one product at a time.