How You Set Up Subledger Accounting for France

To set up Subledger Accounting for France, you perform the Subledger Accounting set up tasks in the same sequence in which they're displayed in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The following tasks are used to set up the subledger accounting for France features.

  • Manage Accounting Methods

  • Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets

  • Manage Journal Line Rules

  • Manage Account Rules

  • Specify Ledger Options

  • Manage Mapping Sets

Before You Start

The Cost Accounting and Financials modules should be set up before setting up the Subledger Accounting for France features.

Set Up Subledger Accounting for France

To set up Subledger Accounting for France, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Cost Accounting

    • Task: Manage Accounting Methods

  2. Search for the Accounting Method where the Name is Standard Accrual and the Created By Application value is set to Yes.

  3. Select the Standard Accrual record and click on the Duplicate icon

  4. Complete the Create Accounting Method fields using the examples provided in the following table.




    Standard Accrual (France)

    Short Name



    Subledger accounting method for France

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. Click on the Accounting Method just created. The Edit Accounting Method page is launched.

  7. Select the Standard Accrual (France) accounting method on the Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments page and Click Activate.

  8. When the activation process completes verify that the status of all of the records updates to Active.

  9. On the Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments page, delete the Resource Absorption rule set record described in the following table.



    Event Class

    WIP Resource Transaction

    Event Type

    Resource Absorption

    Rule Set

    Resource Absorption

  10. Create the replacement Rule Set described in the following table.



    Event Class

    WIP Resource Transaction

    Event Type

    Resource Absorption

    Rule Set

    Resource Absorption (France)

  11. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for each event type that you want to use.

  12. Select the Standard Accrual (France) accounting method on the Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments page and Click Activate.

  13. Select Specify Ledger Options.

  14. In the Subledger Accounting section set the Accounting Method to Standard Accrual (France).

  15. Configure the seeded mapping sets or create new account rules. For more information on mapping sets, see the topic Using Seeded Mapping Sets.

  16. (Optional) To verify that the accounting distributions have been set up correctly, run the Create Accounting process on the Cost Accounting page, setting the Accounting Mode to Draft.