How You Set Up the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application

Before using the Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application, you must configure duty roles and set up profile options and inventory transaction reasons.

To access this feature, you must configure roles that contain the duty role Receiving Self-Service Responsive Application User and assign them to users. You can configure the role from the Oracle Security Console by logging in as IT Security Manager.

You also need to set up:

  • Receiving profile options
  • Administrator profile options
  • Inventory transaction reasons

Receiving Profile Options

Use the Manage Receiving Profile Options task to set up these receiving profile options:

  • Blind Receiving for Self-Service Procurement Enforced: Determines whether the Receive Now or Receive with Details button displays as the promoted button.
    • No: Indicates that the Receive Now button displays as the primary action on the Orders to Receive page. An icon displays allowing you to Receive with Details.
    • Yes: Indicates that the Receive with Details button displays as the primary action on the Orders to Receive page. The Receive Now button won't be displayed.
  • Display Item Unit Price in Self-Service Receiving: Determines whether the item’s unit price displays on the New Receipt page.
    • No: Indicates that the item's unit price won't display on the New Receipt page.
    • Yes: Indicates that the item's unit price will display on the New Receipt page.

Administrator Profile Options

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task to confirm the values for these profile options:

  • Enable/Disable Search Ext Framework (ORA_FND_SEARCH_EXT_ENABLED) profile is set to Yes.
  • Row fetch count for initial ingest process (ORA_FND_SEARCH_FETCH_COUNT) profile is set to 100.

Inventory Transaction Reasons

When returning items to a supplier, you have the option to specify the reason for return. You can define the reason name and reason type using the Manage Inventory Transaction Reasons setup task. When defining a new transaction reason, select Supplier return as the reason type.