Intercompany Seller Profile

You can specify the intercompany seller profile in the Profit Center BU Profiles section of the Create Profit Center BU to Party Relationship page.

You must specify it for a profit center business unit that acts as a seller in a buy and sell relationship. You can use the following sections:

  • Business Unit for Seller's Receivables Invoice. In the Receivables Business Unit list of values, select the profit center business unit where Financial Orchestration sends the receivables invoice.

  • Supplier Site for Buyer's Payables Invoice and Purchase Order. You can use the following list of values:

    • Buyer's Procurement Business Unit. Select the profit center business unit that acts as the seller in the buy and sell relationship.

    • Buyer's Bill to Business Unit. Select the business unit where Financial Orchestration sends the bill.

    • Supplier Site. Select the supplier site that Financial Orchestration uses to create the intercompany payables invoice.