Item Cost Profile Creation: Review and Approval Process

One of the attributes of a default cost profile is the creation mode of item cost profiles, which can be set to Auto or Review Required. The creation mode determines how an item cost profile is created.

Cost Profile Creation Mode Settings

If you set the cost profile creation mode on a default cost profile to Auto, the preprocessor automatically assigns the default cost profile to new items, and the new item cost profiles can be used by the cost processor. If you set the cost profile creation mode to Review Required, then you must review and approve the new item cost profiles before they are used.

Review and Approval of Item Cost Profiles

When a default cost profile is in Review Required mode, the preprocessor generates the cost profiles for new items based on the default cost profile and sets them to Awaiting Approval status.

Review the cost profiles on the Review and Approve Item Cost Profiles page which is accessed from the Manage Default Cost Profiles page, or from the Cost Accounting work area. After reviewing the cost profiles that are in Awaiting Approval status, set them to Approved or Rejected status. If you approve them, the creation source becomes Default Cost Profile. If you reject the cost profiles, you can manually modify them, and the creation source becomes Manual.

Save your changes and rerun the preprocessor for final assignment of the item cost profiles.