Overview of Shipping Cost Types

Shipping cost types are shipment-related costs such as administration fee, duty fee, insurance, handling cost, export fee, or transportation charge.

You can define a cost type within a category with a suggested amount. Shipping costs can be recorded at any point in time for a shipment, shipment line, or packing unit. Shipping cost types provide you the flexibility to:

  • Defining a uniform shipping cost under a specific category for future reference

  • Specifying an effective date range for the validity of the cost type

  • Defining a cost type in preferred currency

Define shipping cost

You can define a shipping cost type under a specific category. This ensures uniformity of service charges under the selected category across the organization for the same service.

Note: You can override the cost type and suggested amount during or after the recording of shipping cost.

Specify effective date range

You can specify a date range for the validity of the cost type.

Define cost type in preferred currency

You can define a cost type in your functional currency. You can modify the currency at any point in time.