Pick Slip Grouping Rules

By creating pick slip grouping rules, you organize how picking lines for released sales orders, transfer orders, return transfer orders, and work orders are grouped onto pick slips.

For example, if you select order number as a grouping criterion, then all items on the sales order or all components for a work order are grouped onto a single pick slip.

These aspects of a pick slip grouping rule can reduce time spent on planning and organizing:

  • Group pick slips based on criteria

  • Specify effective date for the grouping rule

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Pick Slip Grouping Rules task to set up your pick slip grouping rules:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

  • Functional Area: Inventory Management

  • Task: Manage Pick Slip Grouping Rules

Criteria Based Grouping of Picking Lines

Enables you to specify more than one grouping criteria for picking. For example, if you select Shipment and Ship-to Location as grouping criteria, then all the picking lines grouped together on a pick slip are for the same shipment and ship-to location.

Effective Date

Enables you to specify the date from which you want the pick slip grouping rule to come into effect.