Run Rebuild Rolled-up Costs Process Automatically

When you run the Roll up Costs process for a cost scenario, it automatically runs the Rebuild Rolled-up Costs process. The Rebuild Rolled-up Costs process uses the rolled-up costs of the cost scenario to populate the View Rolled-up Costs page.

However, you might not want to run this process automatically if you have a high volume of make items in your inventory organization that need to be rolled-up.

You can streamline running this process by turning off the corresponding cost accounting profile option. Set the profile value to No for the profile option code ORA_CST_REBUILD_ROLLEDUP_COSTS. The corresponding profile name is "Run Rebuild Rolled-up Costs Process After Roll up Costs Process". This profile option must be set at the Site level.

After you turn off the profile option, the Rebuild Rolled-up Costs process won't run automatically whenever you run the Roll up Costs process. You can use the Costed BOM OTBI report to verify the rolled-up costs of the items, after the items costs have been rolled up. Alternately, you can manually run the Restore Rolled-up Costs process for the cost scenario from the Actions menu on the Manage Cost Scenarios page. This process will populate the costs in the View Rolled-up Costs page. You can run this process even for a published cost scenario if the rolled-up costs for that scenario aren't available to review via the View Rolled-up Costs page.