Use Redesigned Pages to View Supply Requests

Use redesigned pages to view supply requests and their details on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

You can use the supply request reference, supply order, supply document, or item to search for your supply requests:

  • View details about the supply documents for each supply request.
  • Create and save your own search. Make that search your default search.
  • View the supply documents that Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration created for each request.
  • Drill into the supply request to get details about it and any exception messages that might exist.
  • If a supply request is in exception, then you can view a recommended action to fix it.
  • Do various actions on each supply request.

Use these attributes to search for your supply requests:

  • Supply Request Reference
  • Supply Order
  • Supply Document
  • Item

Use these attributes to filter your search results:

  • Supply Requested Date
  • Requested Delivery Date
  • Supply Status
  • Supply Type
  • Business Flow

Try It

  1. Make sure you have these privileges:
      • Process Supply Order Interface (DOS_PROCESS_SUPPLY_ORDER_INTERFACE_PRIV)
      • View Supply Orders (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDERS_PRIV)
      • Manage Supply Request Exceptions (DOS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_REQUEST_EXCEPTIONS_PRIV)
      • View Supply Order Exceptions and Status (DOS_VIEW_SUPPLY_ORDER_EXCEPTIONS_AND_STATUS_PRIV)
      • Manage Scheduled Job Definition
  2. Enable the feature:
    • Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering, then click Change Feature Opt In.
    • In the row that has Supply Chain Orchestration in the Name column, click the pencil.
    • Enable the Use Redesigned Pages to View Supply Requests feature, then click Done.

      If you enable it, then you can click Tasks > Supply Requests in the Supply Orchestration work area. If you don't enable, then the work area won't display the Supply Requests task.

  3. Go to the Scheduled Process work area, then run the Create Index Definition and Perform Initial Ingest to OSCS scheduled process. Use this value when you run it:
    Parameter Value
    Index Name to Reingest


    You must set a value. If you don't, then the process will run for all predefined indexes, and that will affect performance.

    This scheduled process creates the index, then adds details about your existing supply requests to Oracle Search Cloud Service (OSCS). Supply Chain Orchestration will automatically add details into the search index for any new supply requests that you create.