Why did I get the partial picking error INV_PICK_NO_QTY_EXCEPTION?

You can get the INV_PICK_NO_QTY_EXCEPTION error when the pick transaction is submitted for confirmation with a quantity different then the requested quantity (partial picking), and a picking exception wasn't provided.

When the Capture Picking Exceptions option is setup for the inventory organization level, you must also define a picking exception reason for the Manage Inventory Transaction Reasons task. As an example, you can select Pick for the reason type and Short pick for the reason context.

First, confirm the Capture Picking Exceptions option is enabled:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Inventory Organization task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Facilities

    • Task: Manage Inventory Organization

  2. Search for your organization.

  3. Click Manage Organization Parameters.

  4. Click the Item Sourcing Details tab.

  5. Confirm that the Capture picking exceptions check box is selected.

Then, set up up picking exception reasons:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Inventory Transaction Reasons task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Facilities

    • Task: Manage Inventory Transaction Reasons

  2. Create a picking exception reason and enter these values:

    • Reason Type: Pick

    • Reason Context: Short pick