Another Example of Importing Flexfield Data Through Web Services

Assume you add an extensible flexfield that you use to store a status on the order line, and you plan to import it through a web service.

  1. Add the SourceLineInfo context and Status segment to the Fulfillment Line Information extensible flexfield.

    For details, see Set Up Extensible Flexfields in Order Management.

  2. On the Manage Order Extensible Flexfields page, search for the value.




    Fulfillment Line Information

  3. In the search results, click the row that contains Fulfillment Line Information in the Name column, then click Actions > Download Flexfield Archive.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Download, then save the zip file to any folder.

    The file manager for your operating system opens. For example, if you're using Microsoft Windows, then

    Windows Explorer opens.

  5. In your file manager, double-click, then expand it to the view folder.

    For example:


    The FulfillLineEffBSourceLineInfoprivateVO.xml file contains the extensible flexfield segment that you must reference.

  6. Use an xml editor to open FulfillLineEffBSourceLineInfoprivateVO.xml.

  7. Identify the values that you will need in your web service payload.

    • Search for the attribute name.

      <ViewAttribute Name="status" EntityUsage="FulfillLineEffEO" EntityAttrName="status" AliasName="status">
    • Search for the context code.

      <Property Name="FND_ACFF_EFF_CONTEXT_CODE" Value="SourceLineInfo"/>
  8. Create your web service payload.



    • ContextCode contains the value you found for the context code in FulfillLineEffBSourceLineInfoprivateVO.xml.

    • status contains the value you found for the attribute in FulfillLineEffBSourceLineInfoprivateVO.xml

Here's your WSDL.


We recommend that you use Order Import Service instead of Receive Order Request Service. For details, see Web Services That You Can Use to Integrate Order Management.

Use the ProcessOrderRequest operation. You can also use the ProcessOrderRequestSync operation to get a response in SOAP UI for testing purposes.

As an alternative to examining the zip file, you can get the attribute name and context code in the output file when you run the Publish Extensible Flexfield Attributes scheduled process. For details, see Set Up Extensible Flexfields in Order Management.

Import a Flexfield on the Order Header

The procedure that you use to Import a flexfield that's on the order header is similar, with a few differences.

Assume you need a flexfield that your users can use to store a value that identifies the bill-to customer.

  • Edit the Header Information extensible flexfield instead of Fulfillment Line Information.

  • Add a context named PMC Header and segment named customerBillToId to the Header Information extensible flexfield.

  • Download and open

  • Navigate to oracle/apps/scm/doo/processOrder/flex/headerContextsB/view in the zip file.

  • Open the HeaderEffBPMC__HeaderprivateVO.xml file.

  • Identify the context code. Search for the value.

    <Property Name="FND_ACFF_EFF_CONTEXT_CODE" Value="PMC Header"/>

    For example:

      <ns8:ContextCode>PMC Header</ns8:ContextCode>
      <ns22:specialHandlingInstructions>West Coast Packers</ns22:specialHandlingInstructions>

    Here's the entire payload.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dood="" xmlns:mod="" xmlns:mod1="" xmlns:xsi="xsi">
       <mod:AdditionalHeaderInformationCategories xsi:type="ns12:j_HeaderEffDooHeadersAddInfoprivate" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns22="" xmlns:ns8="">
         <ns8:ContextCode>PMC Header</ns8:ContextCode>
         <ns22:specialHandlingInstructions>West Coast Packers</ns22:specialHandlingInstructions>
        <mod:ProductNumber>PMC - Std Item</mod:ProductNumber>
        <mod:ShippingInstructions>Handle with care</mod:ShippingInstructions>
        <mod:PackingInstructions>Pack with shockproof material</mod:PackingInstructions>
        <mod:AdditionalFulfillmentLineInformationCategories xsi:type="ns12:j_FulfillLineEffDooFulfillLinesAddInfoprivate" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns22="" xmlns:ns8="">