Display Data from Different Offerings

Display data from different offerings on the Overview page in the Order Management work area.

The Overview page displays data in infolets. An infolet is a graphic representation of data, such as a bar chart or pie chart. It displays order status, such as the number of orders on backorder, orders past due, orders on hold, orders in jeopardy, and so on.

The Overview page comes predefined to only display data from the Order Management offering. However, you can set it up so it displays data from other offerings.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Order Management offering.

  2. Click Actions > Edit Implementation Status, set status to Implemented, then click Done.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each offering that must display data in infolets.

    For example:

    • Order Promising is part of Supply Chain Planning. To display promising data, in step 1, go to Supply Chain Planning.

    • Shipping is part of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management. To display ship data, in step 1, go to Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management.

Your users must sign in with the FOM_VIEW_ORDER_TO_CASH_INFOLET_PAGE privilege to view infolets.

Here are more privileges you need to view infolets from each offering.




Order Exceptions

Orders in Process

Order Billing Status

Order Management


Scheduling Performance

Supply Chain Planning


Inventory Valuation

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management


Open Shipments

Open Shipments by Priority

Shipment Exceptions

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management