Get Details About Transactions with Global Trade Management

Get details for transactions that happen in an integration between Oracle Global Trade Management and Oracle Order Management.

Get Transaction Details in Global Trade Management

  1. Sign into Global Trade Management.

  2. On the Oracle Logistics page, navigate to Trade Compliance Management > Trade Transaction Management > Trade Transaction.

  3. On the Transaction Finder page, enter the TransactionId of the sales order, then click Search.

  4. On the Transaction page, examine the mapped data.

    On the Transaction page, examine the mapped data.

Here's how the flow from Order Management to Global Trade Management works.

  1. Submit an order through an orchestration process that includes the GTM step.

  2. The orchestration process reaches the create step, then uses a GTM event. Integration Cloud Service subscribes to the event.

  3. The flow creates a new instance of Integration Cloud Service. The instance calls the mapping that maps output from OrderFulfillmentRequestService to the input to Global Trade Management, then calls the service in Global Trade Management.

  4. The flow successfully establishes the integration, then calls the processAcknowledgement operation of service OrderFulfillmentResponseService. processAcknowledgement changes the fulfillment line status to DOO_GTM_AWAIT.

Get Transaction Details in Order Management

  1. Sign into Order Management.

  2. Open the sales order in a fulfillment view, then examine the Trade Compliance Status attribute on the order header.

  3. Use the Trade Compliance tab in the fulfillment line detail area.

    Use the Trade Compliance tab in the fulfillment line detail area.

Here's how the flow from Order Management to Global Trade Management works.




Contains predefined values for TradeComplianceScreeningResultCode.

  • Failed

  • Under Review

  • Passed

Each response from trade compliance screening contains the screening result for the fulfillment line and details for each screening type for the fulfillment detail. It stores these details in the TradeComplianceScreeningResultCode attribute.


Contains predefined values for TradeComplianceTypeCode.

  • Restricted Party

  • Sanctioned Country or Territory

  • Trade Control

Each fulfillment detail in the response corresponds to a screening type that the TradeComplianceTypeCode attribute specifies in the fulfillment detail.


Contains values for the TradeControlCode attribute in the fulfillment detail.

Applies only when TradeComplianceTypeCode is ORA_TRADE_CONTROL.


You must define values for this lookup.