Recover an Advance Shipment Notice

Receiving uses the CreateReceiptNotifications event to send shipment details for the sales order through an update on the advance shipment notice or invoice match. An error might happen during this update for a variety of reasons. You can recover from the error.

Here are some examples.

  • Order Management never receives the event because there's a problem in the environment, such as a network that's down, a server isn't available, and so on.

  • Order Management receives several events in a short period of time. For example, shipping creates several partial shipments and immediately sends an event for each one.

  • Order Management receives an event while the sales order is in the Awaiting Shipping status, but Order Management is currently revising the order. Order Management rejects the shipment update because the wait step on the orchestration process isn't the current step. Receiving already used the event and can't use it again until after Order Management finishes the change.

  • Order Management receives an event while the sales order is in the Requisition Created status. In this example, Order Management never received an update for the purchase order, but the purchase order proceeded and shipping already created a shipping notice.

  • Order Management receives an update for the advanced shipment notice but the sales order is in error recovery.

  • The value in the Change Sequence Number attribute on the fulfillment line of the sales order doesn't match the Change Sequence Number on the purchase order.

  • Order Management receives several events in a short period of time. For example, shipping creates several partial shipments and immediately sends an event for each one.

In some situations, Order Management doesn't receive or can't use the event, the status on the sales order remains in Awaiting Shipping, but the status on the purchase order is different depending on what fulfillment shipped.

What Fulfillment Shipped

Status on the Purchase Order

The entire sales order

Closed for Receiving

Only part of the sales order


Now, the status on the sales order isn't synchronized with the status on the purchase order. Order Management will automatically attempt to fix the problem five times in 120 minutes, in 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 minute intervals. Each attempt will try to recover from errors in the advance shipment notice or from technical errors that happen in the environment when processing the advance shipment notice.

Order Management will automatically attempt to recover errors on the order when you.

  • Receive an advance shipment notice but the sales order and purchase order aren't synchronized with each other.

  • Receive an advance shipment notice but the purchase order details aren't available on the sales order.

  • Attempt to process an advance shipment notice while someone is revising the sales order or when a change on the purchase order hasn't finished.

Recover Manually

If these retries fail, then you can use the Recover Order action in the Order Management work area or the Recover Errors scheduled process to recover sales orders that fail when you update the advance shipment notice in a drop ship flow.

You can fix problems that happen when Order Management validates the advance shipment notice, such as the sales order and purchase order aren't synchronized, purchase order details aren't available on the sales order, or attempting to process the notice while someone is revising the sales order or when a change on the purchase order isn't finished.

You can only recover some errors when you use the Recover Order action. If Recover Order doesn't fix the problem, then run the Recover Errors scheduled process.


Order Management uses constraints to avoid some of these problems.



Update Fulfillment Line When Purchase Order Isn't Available

Prevents you from changing the Shipped Quantity in Order Management.

  • Makes sure the Shipped Quantity in Order Management matches the received quantity and the billed quantity in Procurement.

  • Makes sure the Ordered Quantity in Order Management matches the received quantity and the billed quantity in Procurement.

For details, see Overview of Drop Ship in Order Management.

Cancel Fulfillment Line When Purchase Order Isn't Available

For details, see Overview of Drop Ship in Order Management.

Here are some fixes you can try if you encounter an error even when these constraints are enabled.



The request to revise the sales order fails because Order Management hasn't finished processing shipment details that receiving created for the sales order.

Wait a few minutes so Order Management can finish processing the shipment details, then resubmit your changes.

The request to process details on the order line for an advance shipment notice fails because someone is currently revising the sales order in Order Management.

The request wasn't successful because Order Management can't find details about the orchestration group.

Order Management didn't process the request because an error happened while getting shipment details from Oracle Receiving.

Use the Recover Order action in the Order Management work area to process the shipment details.

As an alternative, wait for the revision to finish, go to the Scheduled Processes work area, then run the Recover Errors scheduled process to process the shipment details.

You can set parameters when you use the Recover Errors scheduled process to filter the errors you attempt to recover. For example:

  • To only recover errors that happen on sales order 56477, set the Orchestration Order Number parameter to 56477.

  • To recover all errors that are happening on sales orders for your Computer Services and Rentals customers, set the Customer Name parameter to Computer Services and Rentals.

The request to process shipment details on the order line fails because the ordered quantity on the sales order doesn't match the quantity on the purchase order for the advance shipment notice in Procurement.

Create an order revision, revise the quantity on the order line to the original ordered quantity, then submit the sales order. Next, go to the Scheduled Processes work area, then run the Recover Errors scheduled process to process the shipment details.

The request wasn't successful because Order Management can't unlock groups for the fulfillment lines.

Order Management receives an advance shipment notice (ASN), then identifies each group that contains fulfillment lines for the ASN, but Order Management can't identify the groups so it can't unlock them. In some cases, Order Management might not be able to unlock groups even after it does identify them.

Use the Oracle Enterprise Manager to recover from this problem.