Automate Data Import and Publication

You can automate part of the processes of importing and of publishing data by using scheduled processes in conjunction with SOAP web services.

Data Import

You can programmatically import item data using a web service.

This table introduces the pieces of the automated item data import solution, and the role that each piece plays.



Data to be imported

Files uploaded to the Oracle WebCenter Content repository, with a manifest file that specifies the import files.

Scheduled process to import item data from a source system

Schedule Product Upload Job

SOAP web service to submit the scheduled process programmatically


For information, see the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Financials Cloud guide

SOAP web service to fetch the current status of the scheduled process.


For information, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide.

SOAP service data objects to provide information on the status and attributes of the import service request

Request Status
Product Upload Request Status

For information about SOAP service data objects, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide.

Security privileges required to call web services

Import Item privilege

For more information on privileges, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Security Reference for Product Management guide.

  1. Place one or more source data files under Contribution Folders in the Oracle WebCenter Content repository.

  2. Under Contribution Folders, provide a manifest file, in CSV format. The manifest guides the upload process to the source data files. The manifest file must contain the following columns:

    • Template: The name of the import map that's to be used for uploading the data from the data source file.

    • File Path: The relative path in Oracle WebCenter Content to each data source file to be uploaded.

    • Attachments File Path: The relative path in Oracle WebCenter Content to each optional compressed file containing the files that are to be attached to items.

    Each row of the manifest file specifies a data file. Here is a sample manifest file:

    Template,File Path,Attachments File Path
    Product Map,/Contribution Folders/products.csv,/Contribution Folders/
    Structures Map,/Contribution Folders/structures.csv,
  3. Using the web service ErpIntegrationService.submitESSJobRequest, schedule the scheduled process Schedule Product Upload Job, to import the source data files specified in the manifest, from Oracle WebCenter Content to the interface tables for Product Hub. You are responsible for providing infrastructure to call this web service.

    The request payload elements for this service call are:








    A list of strings:

    • ManifestFileName(/Contribution Folders/ProductManifest.csv), where ProductManifest.csv is an example file name.

    • The spoke system code for the import source system.

    The response payload from the service call is the request ID for the scheduled process. (On the Overview page in the Scheduled Processes work area, this ID is called Process ID.) Record this ID to use in the request payload for the web service ItemBatchMaintenanceService.getRequestStatus, to monitor the progress of the import.

  4. When the scheduled process runs, it reads the manifest file and uploads data from the specified CSV, XML, or Attachments files to the Product Hub interface tables.

  5. The process creates a new item batch for each row of the manifest file, and uploads the data from the CSV, XML, or Attachments files to the interface tables, according to each item batch, using the import map specified for that row.

  6. The process runs the process Item Import to move the data from the interface tables to the production tables.

Monitoring an Import

You can use a web service to programmatically monitor an import of item data.

  1. Set up polling for the web service ItemBatchMaintenanceService.getRequestStatus.

  2. The request payload for getRequestStatus must contain the request ID returned when you called the web service ErpIntegrationService.submitESSJobRequest. Pass this ID as the value for the element BINDREQUESTID.

  3. The response payload for getRequestStatus is the service data object Request Status, which contains the service data object Product Upload Request Status. These objects are described in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide. They contain many attributes that describe the status of the process. You can set up your solution to read those attributes and provide their information to your users.

You can also monitor processes manually, on the Overview page in the Scheduled Processes work area.

Data Publication

You can programmatically publish item data using a web service.

This table introduces the pieces of the automated item data publication solution, and the role that each piece plays.



Data to be published

Files published from the Product Hub production tables to files in the Oracle WebCenter Content.

Scheduled process to publish item data to a source system

Product Hub Publication Job

For more information about this scheduled process, see the topic about defining the schedule and parameters for the Product Hub Publication Job scheduled process in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Product Master Data Management guide.

SOAP web service to submit the scheduled process programmatically


For information about ErpIntegrationService, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide.

SOAP web service to fetch the current status of the scheduled process


For information about ItemBatchMaintenanceService, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide.

SOAP service data objects to provide information on the status and attributes of the publication service request

Request Status

Product Upload Request Status

For information about SOAP service data objects, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: SOAP Web Services for SCM guide.

Security privileges required to call web services

Publish Items privilege

For more information on privileges, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Security Reference for Product Management guide.

  1. Determine which source system you want to publish data to.

  2. Using the web service ErpIntegrationService.submitESSJobRequest, schedule the scheduled process Product Hub Publication Job, to publish the source data to a file in Oracle WebCenter Content. You are responsible for providing infrastructure to call this web service.

    The request payload elements for this service call are:








    A list of strings corresponding to the parameters described in the topic about the Product Hub Publication scheduled process in the Using Product Master Data Management guide. The required parameters are Spoke System and Folder Location.

    The response payload from the service call is the request ID from the scheduled process. Record this ID to use in identifying the published data.

  3. The Product Hub Publication Job process publishes the data from the production tables to a file in Oracle WebCenter Content.

  4. Run the web service ItemBatchMaintenanceService.getRequestStatus, passing the request ID from the scheduled process in the request payload.

    The file is identified by the PublicationDocumentId and PublicationFileName attributes of the Publication Request Status object returned in the response payload by ItemBatchMaintenanceService.getRequestStatus. These attributes identify the published document in Oracle WebCenter Content.

  5. Use the repository tools to download the published file.

Monitoring a Publication

You can use a web service to programmatically monitor a publication of item data.

The procedure for monitoring a publication is the same as for monitoring an import, except for this difference when you call the web service ItemBatchMaintenanceService.getRequestStatus:

  • As with import, the response payload for getRequestStatus is the service data object Request Status.

  • But, for publication, Request Status contains the service data object Publication Request Status (instead of Product Upload Request Status).

  • The attributes of the Publication Request Status object provide:

    • The Request Id of the scheduled publication process

    • The PublicationDocumentId and PublicationFileName of the published document in Oracle WebCenter Content.