Check Dormant Data Inconsistencies Using Diagnostic Report

During the lifecycle of an item, you can make changes to the configurations such as converting a non-mandatory attribute of an item extensible flexfield (EFF) attribute group into mandatory attribute to suit the changing business needs.

Similarly, you can also disable or end date a specific value of a value set during the value’s lifecycle. In some rare cases, these configuration changes may introduce data inconsistency in existing items. For example, at the time of item creation, it may have Null value for a non-mandatory attribute. If this is converted to a mandatory attribute, then the item is likely to result in data inconsistency. Such data inconsistency is dormant until the item is accessed through Oracle Product Hub’s standard functionalities.

Additionally, under rare circumstances, due to technical issues, some items may have duplicate data rows for single row EFF attribute group.

You can run the Product Hub Diagnostics Dormant Data Inconsistencies in Items diagnostic report (available in the Run Diagnostics Tests work area) to periodically review such dormant data inconsistencies and resolve the issues, and thus avoid potential runtime errors.

The report contains the following sections that provide details of the data and tips for resolution as applicable:
  • Items with missing values for mandatory attributes
  • Items with inactivated values
  • Items with duplicate data rows for single row EFF
  • Items with duplicate data rows for EFF rows for translated data

In each section of the report, the data is presented as a table. You can copy the table and paste it into a compatible tool such as word processors or spreadsheets to leverage their native functionalities such as sorting, filtering, and formatting as applicable.

To review a specific attribute group, specify the attribute group name in the Attribute Group Name parameter of the report. If no value is specified, then all attribute groups are included in the report.

To review a specific attribute within an attribute group, specify the attribute group name in the Attribute Group Name parameter and the attribute name in the Attribute Name parameter of the report. If no value is specified, then all the attributes of the attribute group are included in the report.

It is also recommended that you periodically review the following sections in the in the Product Hub Diagnostics – Item Classes diagnostic test report available in the Run Diagnostics Tests work area:
  • Disabled Attributes – Summary section - To eliminate the dormant data inconsistencies.
  • Non-Active Values – Summary section - To avoid stuck change orders.