Configure OTBI Reports for Items and Change Orders

You can configure contextual reports for objects and enable users to launch these reports from the object page.

For example, you can configure an item report or a change order report and access these reports using the Actions > View Reports action on the item or change order.

For the reports to work properly, map the report settings in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) to the report settings in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Here are the steps to configure report dashboards and assign to open them from an item or change order.

In Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence:

  • Create the report and select report filters.

  • Create dashboard prompts for the report.

  • Create a dashboard for the report.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Configure the report path and parameters.

  • Map the parameters to the folder and column settings in OTBI.

  • Validate your configuration.

Let's review these steps in detail.

Create a Report that you can add to a Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Reports and Analytics > Browse Catalog.

  2. In OTBI, go to New > Analysis. Select the subject area for the report - In this example, let's use Product Management - Item Revisions Real Time subject area.

  3. Expand the subject area folder and double-click the report parameters you want to include. In this example, let's select Item and Revision Details: Item Number and Revision.

  4. Create filters for each parameter. Click the Filter icon and choose the 'Is prompted' operator for each parameter.

  5. Copy the folder and field information from each prompt. Select a prompt and click the pencil icon. Click the Function icon (fx) to open the formula and copy the values in Column Formula.

    • "Item and Revisions"."Revision"

    • "Item and Revision Details"."Item Number"

  6. Save your report in Shared Folders > Custom and note the location. Example: ItemsDynamicReport

Create Dashboard Prompts for the Report

  1. Go to New > Dashboard Prompt. Select the same subject area you chose earlier.

  2. Click the plus icon and select Column Prompt. Add each prompt for each of the parameters you chose earlier (Item and Revisions Details: Item Number, Revision) using the default “Prompt for Column” data.

  3. For each prompt, set the Operator to “Prompt User”.
  4. Save to the same location as the report. Example: ItemsDashboardPrompt

Create the Dashboard

  • Go to New > Dashboard. Enter a name for your dashboard and browse to the location you want to save it. Scroll the search list and click Browse Catalog to find the location.

  • In the Catalog panel, navigate to the folder where you saved the report and the prompt.
  • Drag the report and the prompt to the panel so that they’re added to the dashboard, and then click Save

  • Now, copy the dashboard location for the next step. Go to Catalog, find your dashboard, click More > Properties. Copy the file location and append the dashboard name at the end of the file path. Example: /shared/Custom/Supply Chain Management/ItemsDashboard.

Configure the Report Path and Parameters for Items and Change Orders

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for and open the task Configure Reports for Product Management. Here you can set the report path and parameters for the report you want to launch from the item in Product Development.

  3. First, create a new report path. Click the plus icon to add a new row and enter the following for the Report Path Settings.

    1. Application: Product Development

    2. Business Object: Select Item or Change Order depending on the object for which you're configuring the report.

    3. Context: For example - Select Main for the item and Affected Objects for the change order.

    4. Report Name: Enter the name users should see when they click View Reports from the Actions menu. Example: ItemDashboardReport.

    5. Description (optional): Viewed by administrators only.

  4. Report Path: Enter the dashboard location you copied earlier. Example: /shared/Custom/Supply Chain Management/ItemsDashboard
  5. The report is set as Active by default. If you want suppliers to access the report, select the External field.

Map the Parameters to the Folder and Column Settings in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.

  1. Add the report parameters that map to the prompts you created earlier in OTBI.

  2. With the report row selected, click the plus icon to add a new row for each parameter.

  3. Enter the following for each parameter:

    1. Parameter Scope: Context Based

    2. Parameter Code: Select the name for the prompt. Example: Name for Item Number.

    3. Parameter Operator: Enter appropriate operators. Example: Is equal to / is in for Creation Date

    4. Folder Name: Enter the folder name you copied from the filter prompt in OTBI. Item and Revision Details (from the prompt "Item and Revision Details"."Item Number")

    5. Column Name: Enter the column name you copied from the filter prompt in OTBI. Example: Creation Date (from the prompt "Item and Revision Details"."Item Number").

  4. Do this for each parameter and save your settings.

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. Click Done.

Validate Your Configuration for Items and Change Orders

  1. Open an item or change order (depending on the type of object in your report) in Product Development.

  2. From the Actions menu, click View Reports. Click the Publish button to make sure all the data is current. You can see your newly configured report in the list of configured reports. Select your report and click Launch Report to run it. Validate that the parameters you set display as prompts.
    Note: You can quickly search for specific reports from the list of configured reports. Choose to view all the reports or specific context report options such as Structures, Where Used, AML, and more.