Configure Workflow Notifications

The approval notification informs the respective approver to review the business transaction and take action. Notifications can be sent through email, or application bell notification.

Here are the notification modes:

  • All: Both email and bell notifications

  • None: Neither email nor bell notifications

  • Email: Only email and no bell notifications

  • In-app: Only bell notifications.

Notifications indicate that a user or group is assigned with a task, or the task status has changed. Notifications are sent to different types of participants for different actions.

Managing email notifications includes the following:

  • Enable the notification: Click the plus icon to add new notification entry, choose the task status, and notification recipient.

  • Disable the notification: Select the appropriate action and click delete to disable the notification.

Users can also allow actions on notifications and enable attachments to be sent with notifications. Allowing actions enables recipients to approve or reject an object. If an attachment is present, users can send the attachment through email for review.

Notification Header

Users can add the company logo or company name in the notification header. The default value of notification headers is null.

Any new notification added by the user includes the following header value:

 "concat(string('Task '), /task:task/task:title, string(' requires your attention.')"

It's recommended to change the header value to null.

To change the company logo, include your company URL and provide a proper alternative text.

For example, img src="" width="230" height="69" alt='Company Logo'

Bell Notification Sync-up

The Synchronize Bell Notifications ESS job is used to sync the Bell Notification dialog box with online BPM notifications. All the completed notifications are removed from Bell Notifications.

The FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV privilege, is required to schedule or execute the Synchronize Bell Notifications ESS job.

Managing Bell Notifications

Enable/Disable Bell Notification: Uses the settings configured for email notifications. If the email notification is disabled for specific action, the user doesn't receive bell or email notification.

Enable Reminder: Send task reminders based on the time when the task was assigned to a user or the time of task expiration. The number of reminders and the interval between the reminders can also be configured.

More Options: Here are the additional options (on the Notifications tab of the BPM Worklist) to configure email notification.

  • Make notification secure (exclude details): Prevents any business transaction details from appearing in email notifications.

  • Do not send multiple notifications for the same task.

  • Hide End User Web URL in notifications: Removes the link that provides access to the task in Workspace Application instead of the underlying transaction.

  • Make notification actionable: Controls the following links in notification email: Approve, Reject, and Request More Information.

  • Send task attachments with email notifications: Allows supporting documents to be attached to email notification.

Note: For details of all notifications in Product Management, see View Product Management Notifications on the Oracle Help Center.