Create an Attribute for an Item Class

This topic provides a text equivalent for the video about creating an attribute.

Configure attribute groups as follows:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Items

    • Task: Manage Item Attribute Groups and Attributes

      New attributes are created within an attribute group and then associated with the item class where the attributes must appear.

  2. Let's create a new attribute group.

    • On the Manage Attributes Group page, click Create.

    • Enter a name. It's automatically populated to the other required name fields.

    • In the Database View Name Prefix field, the automatically populated value is derived from the API name field. The Database View Name Prefix needs to be unique, so modify the default prefix enough to make it unique, using up to 15 characters.

    • In the Behavior field, choose the behavior of attribute as either Single Row or Multiple Rows.

      Select Single Row if you want the collection of attributes to appear as separate fields, and only allow one set of responses.

      Select Multiple Row if you want the collection of attributes to appear as columns in a table, and allow multiple sets of responses.

    • In Context Usage, set the context usage to specify whether the attribute group applies to the item directly, to the item revisions, or to the item suppliers. In this case, select item.

    • Click Save.

  3. Let's create an attribute in the attribute group.

    • In attributes, click Create.

    • Enter a name. It's automatically populated to the other required name fields.

    • In Date Type, set a data type to suit your purpose. In this case, select Number.

  4. Let's create a new value set.

    • Click Create Value Set.

    • Add a name for the value set and enter the module as Product Development.

    • In Validation Type, select Format Only.

    • In Value Data Type, select Number.

    • In Precision, set the maximum number of digits users can enter.

    • In Scale, set the maximum number of digits allowed after the decimal point.

    • In Minimum Value and Maximum Value, enter the range which must fit the precision and scale.

    • Save and close all objects.

  5. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Items

    • Task: Manage Item Classes

  6. Let's add the attribute group you created to an item class:

    • In the Manage Item Classes page, open the item class to which you want to add the attribute group.

      Select the Pages and Attributes Group tab.

    • Search for the attribute group you created and add that attribute group.

    • Click Save and Close.

      The attribute appears on the Pages sub-tab.

    • On the Pages sub-tab, select Product Development so that the attribute group appears only in Product Development work area (and not in the Product Information Management work area).

    • In Attribute Groups, click Select and Add.

      Search for the attribute group you created and add that attribute group and click Save.

    • Click Save and Close.

      Close the Manage Item Classes task so you can deploy the new attribute group.

  7. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Items

    • Task: Deploy Item Extensible Flexfields

  8. Search for item attributes and click Deploy Flexfield. Wait until the process is completed and then click OK.

  9. Sign out of the application and sign in to the Product Development work area.

    To test the attribute you created, create a new item.

    • From the Tasks panel tab, click Create Item.

    • In the Create Item dialog select an item class which is a subclass of the item class you modified in a previous step.

    • Enter the other details of the item. Click Save and Close.

      On the Edit Item page, you will notice the attribute group and attribute you created in a previous step.

    • Enter the value of the attribute and click Save.