Define Publication Options for a Spoke System

You can set the options that govern the publication of item objects using the Manage Spoke Systems task.

  1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, use this navigation to open the Manage Spoke Systems task:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Product Spoke Systems or Item Batches

    • Task: Manage Spoke Systems

    You can also select the Manage Spoke Systems task in the Product Information Management work area.

  2. Search for and select a spoke system, then select Edit from the Actions menu to open the Edit Spoke Systems page.

  3. Click the Publication Options tab.

  4. Select the Publication Criteria region for the object that you want to publish, one of:

    • Item

    • Item class

    • Catalog

    • Trading partner item

  5. Within the publication criteria for the Item object, you can select which child entities of the item you want to publish, such as attachments, trading partner items, structures, and so on.

  6. Save the page for the spoke system to save the publication options that you set.

When you publish the spoke system:

  • One or more XML files are created, for the objects that you selected for publication.

  • The publication content includes the complete category-classification path for an item-category assignment. The category-classification path is also published in the publication payload as a part of the item-category assignment.

Publish Deleted Item Data

You can publish deleted content for items, item category assignments, and item suppliers to support integration with external systems. You can use the publication functionality to publish either updated or deleted item data.

To configure the publication system to publish the deleted item data, select the Include deleted items option on the Publication Options tab for the spoke system. The Publication Transaction Type attribute in the publication payload will indicate if the item data is updated or deleted. Integration logic can use this attribute to support deleting the item content in external systems.

Deleted data that is published involves the following:
  • Parent item record including all child objects associations to the item record are deleted. For example, if the item has an item category assignment to Catalog=Purchasing and to Category=Misc. and if the item is deleted, the item category assignment will be deleted, but the catalog and category won’t be deleted. In this case, the transaction type displays Deleted and the child objects that are in scope (extensible flexfields, item category assignments, and item supplier associations).
  • Child object or association is deleted, the parent object isn’t deleted. For example, the item category assignment for Catalog=Electronics, to Category=Computer is deleted from the item, then this assignment content is deleted but the item isn’t deleted. In this case, the item record will have transaction type as Updated and the child object will have transaction type as Deleted.
The content supported for the deleted data is:
  • Items
  • Item extensible flexfields: Extensible flexfields that are used to extend an item object and the translated extensible flexfields data.
  • Item category assignments: Child object of the item which contains the catalog and categories assigned to the item.
  • Associations: Supplier Organizations, the supplier associated with the item.