Examples of Entry and Exit Criteria

Rules-based entry and exit criteria can be used to add an additional layer of validation to the change order or new item request. The criteria can be selected for different workflow statuses in the change order or new item request.

The entry criteria is available for the following statuses: definition, interim approval, and approval.

The exit criteria is available for the following statuses: open, definition, and interim approval.

You can create validation rules using the Manage Item Rule Set task; set the association type to change order or new item request. Prior to creating the entry and exit criteria, create a change type and set it to rules-based approval.

The following attributes are supported when creating the criteria:

Change Header Main

  • Priority

  • Reason

  • Need-by Date

  • Requested By

  • Description

  • Descriptive Flexfield

Change Line

The change line entity doesn't support line attributes. You can however create the criteria using descriptive flexfield values from change line, for which you need to specify the entity. Example:


Example of the exit criteria for open status: Consider that the priority code of the change order is high. Then the need-by date can be set as mandatory for the change order to be promoted to the next status in the workflow.

If Expression
[ChangeHeader].[ChangeHeaderMain].[PriorityCode] == "HIGH"
Validation Condition
isNull([ChangeHeader].[Change Header Main].[Need-by Date]) == false

Example of the entry criteria for approval status: If the value in the Reason field is Cost, then priority of the change order is set to High.

If Expression
[ChangeHeader].[ChangeHeaderMain].[ReasonCode] == "COST"
Validation Condition 
[ChangeHeader].[ChangeHeaderMain].[PriorityCode] == "HIGH"